Simplify and Organize Your Home in the New Year

The new year is upon us, and we want to start the year off right! In this post, I’m talking about the little things in our homes – it’s the little things that can make a big difference!

Let’s get started!!

  1. After putting away your holiday décor, go through closets, cupboards, and drawers and purge! It’s time to get rid of anything you no longer need, anything taking up precious space, and anything you can donate or throw out.

  2. Look throughout your home to see what needs replacing. Is it time for new bath towels, new bed sheets, or new bathroom and/or kitchen rugs?

  3. Are there small repairs that need to be done? Have you been dealing with squeaky doors, broken faucet handles, door locks that stick … you know what I’m talking about. Think about the stuff you don’t even think about until you have company and then you have to explain to them why the handle on your kitchen faucet falls off every time you use it. Or why the bedroom doors squeak so loud they could wake the dead.

  4. Do you need to clean out the pantry, fridge, and/or freezer? It’s time to throw out expired food such as those vegetables you meant to eat but are now rotting in the vegetable crisper or those frozen berries you bought last year for smoothies but never used. Maybe you have canned or boxed goods that have expired as well. Or if you have kids – you might have twelve half-eaten boxes of cereal that have now all gone stale. Throw it all out!

  5. Clean/wash frequently used pillows, blankets, bedspreads, and anything else your family has their hands, faces, and bodies on regularly. Or maybe it’s time to refresh and get new.

  6. Do you need to declutter? Maybe it’s time to get rid of old knick-knacks, wall hangings, and other décor that just don’t fit your vibe anymore. Plus, less stuff means less to dust around.

  7. How about window treatments … thoughts? Time for a refresh or do they need to be cleaned?

After going through your home, if you find yourself with a list of to-do’s, create a list broken down by:

  • Things that need to be fixed

  • Things to purchase

  • Things that need to be cleaned

  • Things to donate

Don’t get overwhelmed, create yourself a little schedule and tackle a few things each day, and within a week or two, you’ll be glad you did.

Once your house is clean and tidy, and everything is refreshed/updated/fixed you’ll feel so much better to tackle all of your other goals for the year!

xx, Danae