Would YOU Use This Service?

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As my company grows, we are trying to help even more interior design clients. A lot of our clients use their Elite Design VA for AutoCad drawings, 3d renders, social media management, mood boards, floor plans, affiliate links, administrative tasks and more. In an effort to better help interior designers I’m trying to come up with other beneficial services to make your life easier. Would you be interested in either of the services below?

Email content – these would be client facing emails that you can purchase to use for your subscriber list. You would be able to use these emails as is or edit to your liking and add images or video. They would be inexpensive and assist in your email list planning. If you do not already have an email subscriber list, you need to start one! This is an amazing tool to stay in front of the people who want to hear from you.

Video content – showing your face is becoming more and more important. People want to know who you are, so they feel more comfortable about doing business with you. You would be able to purchase client facing video scripts to use to create your videos. You would then be able to start a video series or video blog, add a video to your website, add videos to your social media or blog posts. I love watching videos of designers on Instagram while I do my treadmill workout in the mornings. It makes the time go so much faster and if you have a love/hate relationship with exercise like I do it’s great!  I hear from so many people that they would love to do videos, but they don’t know what to say or what to talk about.

Both options would be housed on my Elite Design Assistants website in the form of digital downloads. Since I would upload them as I write them, they would be a lot less expensive than hiring a copywriter to write custom copy.

Please let me know if you would be interested in a service like this and let me know if there are any other ways we can help.

Have a great day!

Xx Danae