Attract MORE Clients with Your Personality!
/I was visiting with a friend the other day about her daughter’s upcoming wedding. Her daughter was trying to find a photographer and so she checked out a couple local photographer’s websites. Both photographers had gorgeous photos so either one would’ve been great – but who did she choose? She chose the photographer who made two references to Michael Scott’s character from The Office on her website. The bride-to-be was a huge fan of The Office and figured that she could get along great with anyone who loved Michael Scott.
There is a lot of great talent out there and so when you offer a great service you also have to offer something of yourself. People want to know who you are, what are your likes and dislikes, they want to resonate with you.
Don’t be shy – be proud of who you are and shout it from the mountain tops. Your spirit animals will find you!
If you are struggling about what to put in your website or marketing copy think about your likes and dislikes – those are easy to convey. Also, think about what you like about other people’s websites. You do business with a lot of people – why do you use that contractor, vendor, client management software or in your personal life why do you use the local services you use?
Think about if you were searching for a service and you found too people who could offer a similar service for a similar price with similar customer service – what would make you choose one over the other? I’ll tell you – the brand. The brand is what you use to choose and the brand is YOU!
Create your own unique brand to stand out from the competition. If you attract people like you – you’ll enjoy working with people like you. 😉
As always, if you need help with copy, let me know! I’m a nerd when it comes to writing creative copy.