Does email marketing actually work to find interior design clients?

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This is a common question in many fields today. Does email marketing actually bring in clients? According to, “59% of respondents say marketing emails influence their purchase decisions and 80% of business professionals believe that email marketing increases customer retention.” 

Many think this isn’t possible with how much social media has grown over the years. If the contents of the email are interesting to the recipient, it is indeed a great marketing tactic. But if you can’t hold the attention of your reader, then you won’t be able to make sales.

Here are a few tips for creating emails that your email subscribers will enjoy!

  1. Consistency: Show up in their inbox at least once per week. If your schedule only allows for twice a month, start there and work your way up. Do your best to keep things consistent so that your audience knows when to expect to hear from you!

  2. Establish yourself as the expert: The best way to do this is to send your ideal client the info that they need. Share actionable steps or tips for reaching whatever their goal is. What are the things they need the most help with? What are the most frequently asked questions that your clients ask you about.

  3. Give value: Give as much value as you can in each email. Share your greatest tips & tricks so that they can take actionable steps in their home NOW. 

  4. Ask for the sale: Give them an opportunity to buy from you. Decide what you want your clients to do next and then make it easy for them. For example, you could write your email about the best way to hang curtains. Then offer up a freebie or low level offer like, “my 5 favorite sources for curtains” and mention it at the end of the email. Another example would be to send them an email about the 5 Steps to a remodel that runs on time and without problems, then mention that they can book a consultation with you at the end to help review their renovation plan. 

Email marketing can be overwhelming. If you’re not sure what emails to send to your clients, we have a full library of email templates we’ve created for you. Just edit the content as you see fit and send to your subscribers. 

You can find the templates in our shop!