What to do when you're running out of photos for social media....


Has this happened to you? You post like crazy for a few months and then all of a sudden…..OOPS! I’m running out of photos!

Even when you have a lot of projects it can be hard to have enough photos to be showing up on social media every single day...and not run out.

So here are a few tips for what you can do to stretch your photos longer.

  1. Use 3d renderings: 3d renderings look SO realistic these days, that people are using them on their social media. They are a great way to add to your portfolio. If you don’t know how to create renderings or don’t have the time to put them together, just gather a list of items you want to use in a space, and send them over to one of our assistants

  2. Share more of your process: As busy designers, you’re always surrounded by paint samples, materials samples, or you’re in furniture stores. Share these things with your audience. Not every photo you share has to be perfection. People want to see the behind the scenes! If you want your photo to look better on your feed, just add a filter. They are inexpensive and will make your photos look great.

  3. MoodBoards/Concept Boards: You’re probably already making these for your clients to express your design ideas, so why not share them on social? And if you don’t make these for your clients, you can just throw a few pieces of furniture or accessories on a board and share it. If you offer personal shopping or buying for your clients, this can be a great way to get new people to reach out to you so they can purchase one-of-a-kind items through you!

  4. Color Palettes: Take your favorite paint vendor and choose 5 or 6 colors you want to feature. Write a cute little caption about why you chose those colors and BAM! New post.

  5. Construction behind the scenes: As I mentioned earlier, clients want to see your process and it can be exciting for them to see the construction process and how things come together. Share photos or video of a kitchen renovation mid-process, or a video of construction.

  6. Before and after: Take the photos you’ve already shared and share them again but do a before and after post where they swipe from the after to the before. You want the best photo to be showing on your feed even if you have used it before. Your clients will get to see what the space looked like before which, as you know, can be very exciting!

  7. Product features: Instead of a whole product board, just share photos of one photo you like. It can be a professional photo from the vendor’s website or it can be something you found at market and snapped a photo of. Market is a great place to collect photos of things to share throughout the year on Social. This helps clients get in touch with your style and gets them excited about buying cool products through you.

  8. About me: Share a photo of you and a little about you! This is a great time to talk about how you became a designer, your background and experience, what inspires you, what kind of projects you like to work on and what kind of client you serve!

  9. Share install day: You know install day is the most exciting part of working with a client. Why not share the process? Stories is a great place to do this but you can absolutely create a swipe-able post where you share part of the process, before photos and photos and/or videos of you pulling everything together. This will get clients excited about the possibility of working with you and having their project come together.

  10. Share photos again: There is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing photos you have shared before. You will have new followers and new eyes will be seeing it. Even if someone has already seen the photo, I don’t think anyone is going to be upset about seeing it again ;) Try and make sure you don’t use the same post within 18 posts

Were these tips helpful for you? I would love to hear!

If you need help creating content or curating a beautiful social media feed, reach out to us today!

XO, Danae.