Client Processes For Interior Designers

It’s going to be a crazy, busy summer so let’s get organized!

I’ve heard from many of you that are getting very busy which is very exciting but can also be very overwhelming so I thought I’d give you some ideas on things you should consider to help you get and stay organized!

First of all, take some time to write down everything you need to do in the coming days, weeks and months. Then crumple up that list and throw it in the trash. I’m so sorry! I’m totally kidding. Please dig that list back out of the trash and from here on out I promise I’ll be serious. J

Block out some time and let’s get to work!


Do you have an operations manual? Have you written down or typed out your business process from start to finish? Creating processes help you stay organized, prevent important details from being overlooked and are very beneficial when delegating tasks.

Write down your business processes and create a manual or guideline that you can use as a reference for all clients you work with and assistants you hire. Include processes for working with clients, marketing, hiring, purchasing, bookkeeping and anything else that is a major part of your business that you feel needs a detailed guide.

I have found that interior designers organize their businesses a little bit differently. Some of them are paper, binder, folder people and others are computer, software, techy people. Do what works best for you!

Today I’m going to write more about client processes and what you should consider having in place, if you don’t already.

Create binders or folders either hard copy, on your computer or in your favorite software program for each client. Now create a To-Do list and schedule for each client. Color code each client and merge the schedule into one master calendar so you have a clearer picture of what needs to be done. But before any of this can be done perhaps you need to take a look at your client processes.


Do you have an outline for how communication is handled with clients? Do you have email templates ready to save you time since you most often are sending some of the same emails, whether it’s a response to an inquiry or a welcome email, next steps email, update email or invoice email.


Do you have guidelines on how quickly you need to respond to inquiries and set up consultations? Do you have certain days/times blocked off for consultations only? Do you have a client qualifying process you go through before booking a consultation with an inquiry?


Once you’ve qualified a candidate, had a consultation and are ready to create a proposal, do you have proposal templates on hand? Do you use a formula for figuring out a project timeline and budget? How long do your clients have before they need to respond to your proposal?

Working with Tradespeople/Vendors:

Do you have a list of your go-to contractors, tradespeople and vendors? Do you have a process for connecting with them and lining them up for projects and/or placing orders? How do you schedule installations? Communication and follow up is key and guidelines on these processes are going to eliminate time, headaches and costly errors in the future.

Site Visits:

These processes may have changed due to COVID-19 whether it be the frequency of visits or the manner in which they are conducted. Be sure you have a clear idea of how to schedule and coordinate these as well as how many of these you need for each project. Do you block out time on certain days for site visits?

Reveal Day:

Do you have a checklist and processes for the completion of the entire project? Do you also do styling or take photographs? How do you then present your client with the final invoice?

Running an interior design business is no easy feat! There are multiple moving pieces and a lot of things to coordinate, order, install and consider when working on one project let alone several at one time. Writing down every process and procedure may seem like an overwhelming task but spending a little time now will save you loads of time, money and headaches in the future.

Hopefully, this has given you some things to consider! If you are really struggling with your processes I do know there are courses on this very subject that you can take to really help you get your entire business organized and running in a more efficient manner! Or, I know people who hire an assistant to help get their processes in order as well.

Have a great week! Danae
