Collaborating with Builders

As a designer, you love being your client’s go-to for design and referrals, but have you considered being your local builder’s go-to designer as well? Building relationships with builders and general contractors can lead to new clients and more projects. We’re diving into ways that you can add value to your relationship with builders and grow your business. 

Bring value to the project

Ask yourself, what can I do to add value to this project? Not only can you create beautiful spaces, but you also possess knowledge and experience that a builder may not. Is a local builder simply sending their clients to a showroom to tackle selections on their own, or are they even taking time out of their busy schedule to attend these types of meetings? Let them know how you can help by sharing your knowledge with their clients and making the process run smoothly. Think about your strengths and how you can leverage them!

Have a great team or system

Fine-tune your systems so that your design processes not only create a great experience for the client but so that your builder can have an exceptional experience working with you as well. Processes and systems are always evolving and there are so many ways to improve and grow as a designer and team. Maybe you need to hire additional help to take on these new projects.  


The first step to working with builders is to network and introduce yourself. This task of sending emails, attending local events, and reaching out to contacts can be a smooth process when you’ve thought through the topics above. Work on a pitch that clearly communicates your strength and the value that you will provide.

Once you’ve established a relationship with builders, be sure to communicate often and clearly during your projects. Discuss what options work best for communicating with the client and clearly define responsibilities related to project completion and client expectations. 

Be willing to learn

You may hear a lot of “no’s” before you find the right builder to work with. Don’t give up! Once you’ve established a good relationship, be open to change and be willing to learn. Builders may have a system that works well for them so it is important that you’re flexible and able to work with their processes. This can also be a great opportunity for you to learn and improve your client experience. 

No matter what, be confident. Designing beautiful spaces is your superpower and you may be the super hero that your local builder is looking for to improve their client experience.