Organization Tips that Stick

Happy Saturday!

It’s no secret that being organized can make day-to-day tasks easier to manage and lead to happier moments. With the high energy that is focused on goal setting and changes in the new year, why not make this the perfect opportunity to fine-tune your systems and get organized. Let’s get started with a few suggestions.

Get a planner

It doesn’t matter whether you use a paper planner or a digital calendar but it’s essential that you are using some sort of planner for both your professional and personal life. Recording meetings, tasks, and priorities can help you feel prepared for the upcoming days, weeks, and months. It can be helpful to review your schedule in advance. Consider setting a specific time each week or each day, such as in the evening, to review upcoming activities and prepare accordingly.

Color coordinate

Not only is color coordination visually appealing, but it can also help you find items quickly. Organizing your books or pantry in rainbow order may be a popular trend right now, but this system is also functional. If color coordination isn’t your go-to organization method, consider keeping items in alphabetical order or using another system that makes sense to you. The key is that having a specific system will allow each item to have a spot it belongs, making items easier to find and use.   

Time block your organization time

Chances are that you’re already implementing time blocking strategies in your work schedule and personal life, but I’d challenge you to time block specific time to maintain your organizational systems. Try scheduling a short session each week to organize your email inbox or dedicate time to one of your other organizational goals. A small, intentional block of time can translate to a large impact with maintaining your systems.

Declutter, declutter, declutter

This one doesn’t need much explanation. Decluttering your mind and environment can go a long way to help you feel more relaxed and focused. However, you don’t need to declutter everything at once. Start my doing a “mind dump” at the end of the day by creating a list of tasks you didn’t get to. Empty your purse once per month or clean up one drawer per week. Start small to avoid overwhelm, but know that decluttering even the smallest of spaces can create major results.

How do you stay organized? Do you use any of these tactics? I hope these ideas are helpful!

Have a great weekend!

XX, Danae