Trend Forecasting: Most Popular Interior Design Trends Forecasted for 2023

Can you believe how fast 2022 has flown by? The interior design industry is already forecasting trends for 2023 and you know what that means… the end of the year is near!

Someone with either a crystal ball or ESP has spoken …here are the most popular design trends of the future.


As nature continues to be connected to wellness, 2023 will be full of organic and cozy materials. Think cotton, clay, velvet, wool, ceramic, and wood.

Instagram-able Walls

Yes, you read that correctly. A wall in homes that are so amazing they are Instagram-worthy! These perfect statement walls will be for video calls, Instagram and whatever social media comes in the future.


Arches are not only a renaissance architectural feature they are softer and will be returning to furniture, decor elements, and doorways.

Digital Realism

Think cyberpunk, neon lights, and geometric shapes. Many people are living in the Metaverse and they love it so much they want their real-life décor to mimic what they see in cyberspace.

Funghi Décor

This iconic 70s revival is known for its whimsical effects applied in shapes and prints.

Instagram-able Lounges – Hospitality

Businesses want to be seen on social media, too. They will go for more eye-catching interiors worth sharing!


Lavender is predicted to be the star color for 2023!

Luxury Monochromatic

Used in kitchens and bathrooms along with golden accents.

Private Spaces

Now that we do EVERYTHING at home now, people desire more private spaces for work, school, fitness, etc.

Reinvented Heritage

A design trend that will merge classic decors with fashion design.

Have you seen any other trends for 2023?

xx, Danae