Virtual Render Tours

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Hand rendering is one of the most amazing skills in the interior design industry. Since I can’t draw, I’m super envious of those who can. A beautifully framed hand render can make a great client gift after the end of a project but for the time it takes someone to hand render … it’s become a lost art.

Technology has offered a much more efficient and cost effective way for interior designers to share their vision of a space with their clients. Remember when 2d renders became a big deal and then 3d? Now we’re on to photorealistic renders that often make it difficult to tell if a space is an actual photograph or or a render. As technology continues to improve so does the way in which interior designers deliver their vision to their clients.

Today, more interior designers are doing virtual render tours where their clients can take a virtual tour through a rendered space. I starting writing this article last week as I meant to send it last Wednesday, since I procrastinated Forbes has since come out with an article about virtual only showcase homes. You can read that article here .

Mentioned in the article is the Seasonal Living Interactive Luxury Designer Showcase that is making it’s debut online December 3, 2020. There are no fees to tour the virtual house and you may recognize many of the 11 designers and 15 corporate sponsors supporting the idea of an online-only event. To learn more about this event click here.

To register for the Seasonal Living Interactive Luxury Designer Showcase click here.

COVID has made touring spaces a bit more difficult and so the interior design industry has had to pivot, pivot, pivot! Designers and vendors are now creating virtual rooms where clients can not only tour a space but they can also click on objects for purchase. There are even virtual tours of buildings and spaces that don’t even exist in reality.

Render artists have become so advanced that they are creating entire virtual cities and towns.

If you are interested in learning more about creating virtual render tours for your business, I’ve come across the 3D viewer app by Chief Architect that seems to be the most popular among designers creating virtual tours at this time.

As always, please feel free to let me know if you need anything!

Have a great rest of your week,
