How A Good Copywriter Can Grow Your Business

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The interior design industry is competitive, however, there is more than enough work to go around. So how do you stand out from the crowd? It’s a combination of your portfolio and the story you have to tell that will engage and intrigue your target market to want to work with you.

The copy should reflect your personality, your brand and what your goals and expectations are for your business. We all attract different types of people to our brands … what type of clients do you want to attract?

There are a variety of ways a copywriter can help you grow your business. Below are a few of those ways!

1.       Optimized copy (SEO) – An experienced copywriter is going to maximize the keywords in your copy so that you appear in more searches. There are a variety of popular keywords your ideal clients use when searching for an interior designer. The more of those keywords used in your copy the more likely you will be to pop up in those searches.

2.       Engaging copy - An experienced copywriter is going to be able to take your story and brand and turn it into something attention grabbing and relatable. You want your copy to compel potential clients to reach out.

3.       Tell a story with your images – You may have an exceptional portfolio but you also need copy to tell the story your portfolio or project portrays. Use these stories in your blog posts, emails and social media accounts. And if you chose to show your portfolio in video form … a copywriter can write video scripts for you as well.

4.       Write for recognition – A copywriter can write copy to send to publications, post in Facebook groups and other print and digital media outlets.

5.       Ads – The most successful Facebook ads are the ones that have been carefully curated for maximum attention. Experienced ad copywriters know all the keywords to use when creating these ads.

If you don’t feel like you have the time or money to invest in a copywriter at this time, please remember you can always download email templates from my website for only $15 each. They are located at under the Shop tab. We are going to be adding a bunch of NEW templates this month AND if you want an email written just let me know what you’re looking for. If it’s something I can put on my website then you only pay $15. It’s a win-win!

As always, please feel free to let me know if you need help.

I hope you have an amazing day!

XX, Danae