Reorganize, Reassess & Relax


We are living in a crazy time where there are a lot of unknowns and many adjustments that we never dreamed would one day become our reality. It’s important to look on the bright side. If your business has slowed down use this time to organize your home office and/or studio, organize your client files, update your websites and portfolios, create more content, reassess your processes and procedures and take a moment to look at the big picture. How do you want your business to look moving forward?

If this seems overwhelming, break your business down into categories … Marketing, Processes, Administrative, Follow Up, Employees, Office Expenses, etc. Take a good look at each of these categories and decide where you can make improvements and where you can make cuts. It’s amazing how much you can simplify and grow when you have the time to regroup.

I have a feeling a lot of people are going to look at business a little bit differently once we return to a more normal pace. There will be people who do change the way they do business, there will be some who decide to take on more remote design while there will be others who go all in on traditional full-service design. I’m optimistic that the design industry will be absolutely crazy busy once we can resume our normal lives. Just think of all the people sitting in their homes right now getting really tired of their décor, paint colors, furniture and that stupid wall that obstructs their view or dream of an open floor plan. Those people will be searching for an interior designer.

The design industry will be booming and for those of you ready to handle the craziness, you will succeed. I imagine many people are also reassessing the way they work with employees. They may consider virtual design assistants, part-time employees or remote employees. This situation has definitely given everyone a lot to think about.

Once you’ve reorganized and reassessed, remember to take some time to relax. Our calendars have been wiped out for weeks … catch up on that book you always intended to read, read a good magazine, go for a walk or just breath.

At the end of the day we will come through this stronger and my hope is kinder and more understanding. Free time is a gift so use it wisely.

I know it’s been a difficult time for everyone so I am here for you if you need anything. I hope you are staying healthy and safe! As always, feel free to reach out.

XX, Danae