NOW OFFERING: e-Design Service for Interior Designers

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We know that the way we do business is changing and that can mean learning new skills, offering new services and adapting to how the world around us is evolving.

Several interior designers were already marketing e-design services, so when the world suddenly turned into a virtual world, they were prepared to market a service more conducive to our current situation. Our world will go back to a new normal and people will hire in-house, traditional interior designers once again but in the meantime, we have to pivot.

Since we know the challenges everyone is facing and we want our clients and prospects to continue to do well in the interior design industry, we are now offering an e-design service for interior designers. This service is perfect for interior designers who either:

1.       Don’t currently offer the service because they don’t know how

2.       Don’t currently offer the service because they have no desire to provide the service, but feel like it would be a great option for their clients during this time, or

3.       Currently offer the service and are busy enough to hire someone else to help manage the work load

How it works:

1.       You market the e-design service as YOUR service and charge what you like (we can give you ideas of what others charge for this service so you can see what your mark-up will look like based on the fee we charge)

2.       We provide you with everything you need to do a consultation call with your client and all the instructions on how the process works. Your client won’t know that you have actually hired a design assistant to create the deliverables.

3.       The design assistant will work with you on the deliverables, turnaround time, etc.

What we provide:

1.       An e-Design Client Onboarding Guide created specifically for your business in your brand colors with your logo.

2.       A client questionnaire to send your e-design clients.

3.       A choice of 3 package options that you can mark-up to sell to your client.

4.       Instructions on how to conduct business with e-design clients if you’ve never done this before.

5.       Deliverables for your clients such as concept boards, floor plans, shopping lists, installation instructions and depending on the package purchased possibly a 3d render or photo realistic 3d render.

You can now offer e-design services through a virtual design assistant and your clients will never know the difference!

Are you ready to get started? Either email me at or schedule a time to chat using my calendar link at I will be happy to answer all of your questions and explain the three packages with pricing along with an idea of what interior designers typically charge for the service so you will have a better understanding of your profit margin.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Stay safe! Danae