How To Market Your Interior Design Blog


Hello and Happy Wednesday from Elite Design Assistants! 

So last week we talked about How To Start Your Interior Design Blog. And now I want to help you get it out into the world! Here are a few steps for marketing your blog. 

  1. Social Media: I encourage marketing your blogs on any social media platforms you are currently on. You’ll want to choose a photo from the blog post to use as your post photo, or something from your portfolio. Special graphics are also an option (see below). We suggest sharing on at least facebook and instagram, but bonus points if you add them to Pinterest ;)

  2. Visuals: You can now take that photo you chose and add the title of your blog post. This is something simple that you can whip up in Canva! If you don’t know what canva is, definitely check it out. It can be an extremely helpful and user-friendly business tool that can help you to create beautiful graphics for your social media/blog posts.

  3. Share your link: In your social media profiles, it’s best to add a link to your social media bio every time you share it! That way, potential clients can easily access the content without having to go to your website first.

  4. Timing: People are on the computer more often on Wednesdays so this has become the best day to release them. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what day you want to post. Posting any day of the week is better than not at all. Side note: Pre-scheduling your posts in advance will take the worry off your plate. Most site builders will allow you to schedule them so that they go out automatically, just like you use a scheduler to post on social media.

  5. Email Subscriber List: If you have an email list for your business, you can send out your blog post to them whenever you post one. You can copy it directly into the email and send it out like that like I do, or you can send them an email letting them know it was published and they are welcome to check it out. If you do it this way, you might want to add an incentive for them to read it or provide a teaser so that they are more likely to go to the site. I prefer to add it directly in the email so that they don’t have to follow any extra steps and can just read it right then and there.

  6. Call to action: I encourage you to add some sort of call to action at the end of the email, encouraging them to sign up for your new freebie, book a consultation or phone call with you, or simply respond to the email so that they can ask you any questions they may have about the blog or your services. 

Need help writing, scheduling, or marketing your blog posts? Contact us today. 

XO, Danae