How To Start Your Interior Design Blog


Hello and Happy Wednesday from Elite Design Assistants! 

A few weeks ago we talked about the importance of having an interior design blog! So today I wanted to do a follow up and talk about how to start one.

Here are a few things to do to get started. 

  1. Frequency: Decide how many times per month you would like to post. We suggest once a week, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with starting slow. Even once or twice per month is a great place to start and you can add on as you feel comfortable, or not!

  2. Topics: What do you want to talk about? This is a great time to sit down and write down why you became a designer and what you’re passionate about. What do you love talking with your clients about? What are your favorite services? If you could get paid to write about anything, what would it be? Make a list that you can access when you’re ready to start writing.

  3. Images: You’ll want to incorporate images into your blog posts. You can use your own portfolio photos or renderings if you have them, or you can use stock photos from a site like Unsplash or Pexels. 

  4. Location: If you have a website, you can host the blog there. There are also special blogging sites that are designed only for blogs so that’s an option too, but if you already have a website, it’s probably easier to just add a page to that! 


  5. Time: Now it’s time to set some time out of your schedule to write! I like to set out at least an hour per week to make sure I have time to find a topic, write, and get it scheduled to be sent out to you on Wednesdays.

  6. Name: Now that you know all the details, it’s time to name your blog. If you don’t know what you want to name it yet, that’s ok! You can just call it “blog” on your website and if you want to brand it later with a special blog name, you can do that.

Next week’s blog will be about how to market your interior design blog once you have it up and running. See you next week!

Do you want to write a blog but don’t have time in your own schedule to handle all the details?

Contact us today! 

XO, Danae