Tips for creating video for social media


Whenever I talk to clients about getting on video all I get in response is pure panic...

And I get it! It can be scary to get on video and share it online.

BUT, I want you to understand the importance of showing up on video if you can. Do you HAVE to in order to be successful? NOPE! Will it help? Absolutely!

Videos are watched way more than posts are read, therefore, social media platforms are prioritizing videos with the algorithm. If you want to be seen more than you are now, try video!

Video is a great way to let clients get to know who you are and what you believe in and establishes you as THE EXPERT. Which is something we really want.

We all know it’s probably not the best idea if they do things by themselves and creating videos is going to show them that you are definitely the one (or not) for them. I mean… we also want to weed out the clients that are not a good fit for you. Am I right?

Here are a few tips for dropping the fear and creating videos that are great for your brand, how to get started, and types of videos you can create.

  1. Baby steps: I’m not asking you to go live on Instagram because I think that can be intimidating for even people who make videos all the time! So please don’t freak out and think that’s what I mean :) Maybe start by just sharing a couple of tips with your followers. Create a short 3 minutes (or less) video on your smartphone. Feel free to make edits if you need! Example: Share your tips for helping them nail down what their style is..

  2. Be confident! There is nothing to worry about. You are a professional! You help your clients in consultations and you can share those same tips online. And before you say it, no you are not too fat, no your voice is not annoying, and NO you are not going to embarrass yourself. Yes, I’m calling you out because I know we all tell ourselves these ridiculous things that are not true! Put on an outfit that makes you feel fierce, write a script and give it a shot. I don’t suggest reading from the script or even memorizing it, it’s just a great way to organize your thoughts and remind yourself of the things you would like to talk about. Keep it in front of you in case you need to take a peek.

  3. You don’t have to be fancy: Don’t feel the need to go out and buy a bunch of fancy equipment. You totally can, but clients are going to be just as impressed if you just film something on your smartphone. You are a human, afterall! Another thing to mention is you don’t have to have the perfect face of makeup on or the perfect outfit. Show up messy vs. not showing up at all.

  4. IGTV: This is a type of video offered on Instagram. It must be less than 60 minutes and can be filmed vertically or horizontally, whichever you prefer. As soon as your clients open it up it will start to play. This is a good space to provide tips and tricks.

  5. Reels: I’m sure you’ve heard about reels as they have been all the rave on social media for the last year. These are 15 or 30 seconds long depending on what setting you put it on! If you haven’t watched any of these yet, I suggest going to this section of Instagram and checking a few out for reference and inspiration. Great spot to share tips, tricks, and styling videos.

  6. Go live: If you feel comfortable, try going live! Pick a specific subject and talk about it freely online. The consultation requests will be rolling in!

  7. Add a video to your website: Adding an about me video or a video to the page with your list of services could be a great way to showcase your personality and talk a little bit about how working with you would work. Walk them through the process so they can get to know you and see what working with you is all about.

  8. Make a plan: No matter what type of video you decide on, definitely make a plan like I mentioned earlier. Pick a topic, write a script, and share freely about it!

  9. Content: Browse the internet for content ideas, or better yet, repurpose your own content! For example, if you made a post about your favorite paint colors and it did really well and got lots of responses, maybe make a video about how you like to select the best paint colors. You can also ask your audience what they want to learn! Make a feed post about it or add a question box to your stories and let people input topics.

Were these tips helpful for you? I would love to hear!

XO, Danae.