Need More Business? Here’s how to get it!


I realize that at the exact time I’m writing this blog … 10:47 a.m. on Thursday, July 8, 2021, (yes, I’m supposed to be on vacation but I still need to do my treadmill and checking emails and working while treadmilling is the only thing that gets me through my treadmill. Ha!) many designers out there are drowning in work. Which is why we are here – to throw a life vest to those designers and not only help them from drowning but to help them grow and scale their business – and did I mention our contract is on an as-needed basis?

Anyway, enough of the shameless plug, if you are one of those designers I see in groups still trying to get business and in utter shock as to why everyone around you is getting work here are some very helpful things to try!

Give your brand a good hard look. Have a friend or colleague give your website, social media, portfolio and copy a once over as if they are a potential client. Is there a disconnect in your messaging? Are you to vague? Can people easily find your contact information? What do you images look like? Your brand is you, this is why people want to work with you.

  • Can people find your website? You may want to check your SEO and make sure you that are able to be searched based on your location, services, uniqueness, style, etc.

  • Stay busy! You’ve heard the saying, when it rains, it pours. Keep busy improving your brand, your portfolio and your networking and the work will come.

  • Create videos in your down time. I realize half the design industry is saying you MUST do video to stay relevant and the other half would rather eat liver and onions and spend the entire day on the toilet than do video but if you have time … try it. Do something quick and fun and if you need ideas for video, I’ll include some below.

  • Network, network, network. Network with realtors, contractors, painters, mortgage lenders … you never know where you might get business. Try Facebook groups, hand out your business card and local business events, think outside the box and put yourself out there.

  • Try niching down into one specific group. Again, the riches are in the niches, is a popular saying so maybe you are trying to reach everyone and it’s not working – narrow down your target market and go after them. Some designers have a target market of families, empty nesters, singles, luxury clients … and some break it down by style such as coastal, farmhouse, mid-century mod, minimalists, environmentally friendly, etc. who are you most passionate about working for? Who do you resonate with and most connect with? That’s who you want to target.

  • Advertise. You can always try Instagram or Facebook ads. I realize this costs money and to get the most bang for your buck you’d want to work with an experienced social media ad expert.

  • Try a new platform. A lot of designers notice the bulk of their business comes from one main social medium. For example, I hear designers say they are getting most of their business from Pinterest OR Facebook groups OR Instagram OR word-of-mouth referrals. Are those word-of-mouth referrals lucky! The reason they get word-of-mouth referrals is most likely because of the niche they serve. I know a few designers that don’t even have a website!!! That is unheard of and almost absurd in today’s world, however, they got in a niche and showcase all of their work and info on another platform such as Instagram and have been so busy they never had a chance to build a website … or in some cases update and old outdated one. You never know, maybe your target market is waiting for you on a platform you either aren’t spending enough time on or aren’t even on yet.

  • Manifest. I know some people might think this is crazy but I truly believe in manifesting what you want. Envision yourself having all the work you want, believe it, live like you have the business of your dreams and it will come.

  • Collaborate. I have always found that interior designers with a collaborative mindset instead of a competition mindset are way more successful and happier than designers who view every other designer as competition. Reach out to other designers and ask for advice or maybe partner on their overflow work.

As promised, here are some ideas on what to do in videos….

Showcase your strengths – what makes you unique? Maybe you specialize in organization for growing families or luxury items that are also practical. Showcase a few of your favorite design or products.

  • Give a quick tutorial on how to style a coffee table, end table, dresser, shelf, etc.

  • Give a quick tutorial on how the flow of a room should be set up in regards to focal point, etc.

  • Talk about pros and cons of certain materials such as flooring, countertops, lighting

  • Do a fun video about reveal day vs real life

  • Do a day in the life sort of video – use a project in your own home if you have to

  • Go to your favorite home décor store and pull some things together to show how to put together a look

  • Be real, be honest, be yourself and just talk about your business and how you help others

  • Show how drastic a look can change just by swapping out a few materials

  • Review the most popular questions you get and answer them in a series of videos for example – how to choose a paint color, what size of rug do I need, what kind of window treatments should I purchase, etc.

Hopefully, by trying some of the tips above you will see an increase in your business in no time. If you are still struggling and need help, please reach out. We are always happy to help!

XX, Danae

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Have you had a chance to take our 2 question survey from last week’s email? This would really help us out. You can find it below. Thanks!