Fashion For Interior Designers and how to feel more confident in client meetings

Hello and Happy Saturday from Elite Design Assistants! 

I’m sure you’re thinking “but we usually don’t hear from you on Saturday’s?!” 

Well...remember a few emails ago when we announced we are transitioning into a lifestyle brand? This is our first step. 1 to 2 times a month, you’ll be receiving tips, tricks, advice around more lifestyle related subjects like fashion, health, finances, travel, our favorite products and brands….and MORE, all coming at you via email and all specifically for interior designers. 

For those of you who filled out our 2-question survey, we appreciate it so much. It’s because of you we are able to make this transition and share even more exciting stuff with you. If you have not had a chance to fill it out, don’t worry! You can do it at any time. Just click here

Now, let’s get into the fun stuff, shall we? 

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but how you dress and present yourself is important. This has nothing to do with your clients, although, of course, they are important too. But this is really about YOU feeling confident in the way you look. 

Have you ever put on an outfit, looked in the mirror...and thought WOW I look good. Then you go to your client meeting and you just carry yourself in a different way? And of course, the client starts the project. 

That is no coincidence. Your confidence is everything! And if you dress well, you will appear more competent and powerful. 

Because of this, I decided to put together this board of some mix and match outfits that I think interior designer’s will not only love, but will feel amazing in. This board is designed so that you can mix these pieces however you want. 

Beyond fashion choices, here are a few extra tips for feeling confident when headed into a design meeting. 

  1. You are the expert: Never forget this! This person decided to book a consultation because they know that you know much more than they do about this subject (or let’s hope they do….we’ve all had “those clients.”)

  2. You are worth the price you charge: If you’re struggling with this one, just remember those projects where you charged too little for your services and it felt like your soul was aching. We’ve all been there. Maybe we’ll do another email on how to figure out what to charge for your services. hmmmm….

  3. Plan: If you are just starting out OR if you are a seasoned designer, plan out some talking points. How will you bring up your processes? In what order will things be discussed? Is there a way you can make the verbiage easier for your client to understand? Is there anything you would like to change from your last project? Can you provide visuals for them so that the process is more exciting? 

Did you love this post? We appreciate any feedback! And if you haven’t taken the 2-question survey yet, I would love it if you would do that for me. 


XO, Danae

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