How To Use Instagram Ads To Get Business

Have you ever considered using Instagram ads for your business?

I’ve heard from several designers that they’ve been interested in trying Instagram ads to bring in some more business, but that they are overwhelmed by the task. I had one of our assistants write this up for you guys!


>Gets your name out there and helps you to build a following

>Gets your offers in front of more people

>Attracts your ideal client


Check out how to build your ads below!


When starting your Instagram promotion, you want to select an image or short clip that sends clear message, don’t leave anything open for interpretation.  Make sure to leave your caption short and sweet.  When creating your ad strategy, the goal is to capture the attention of your audience, keep in mind social media has become an outlet for mindless scrolling (aka, unconsciously scrolling through your Instagram feed out of habit, not out of interest).  With that in mind, there is that fine line of attracting attention but you don’t want to overdo yourself!  It’s important to stay true to you.  Social media trends come and go, it’s fun to partake in the current hypes and trends through posts and stories.  But when it comes to running ads, remember to stay authentic to your brand and your brands messaging.


So now that you have selected your ad media, it’s time to launch your promotion!  The first thing Instagram is going to ask is to Select a Goal, giving you three options.  While they may seem limited, these three options do have their benefits.  What you select depends on you, your brand, and you messaging. 

Goal Option 1: More Profile Visits.  This option is great if you are looking to get more views, more likes, more follows, and to bring people to see your insta-stuff! 

Goal Option 2: More Website Visits.  This is a great option to bring people directly to your business.  You want to view your website is your online “home base” for your business.  This option virtually brings your audience directly to your business. 

Goal Option 3: More Messages.  If your ad is sparking conversation or seeking feedback, this is the option for you!


Instagram will give you two options to help Define Your Audience. If you select Automatic it will target your followers, plus similar users who follow them, etc.  For a more successful Ad Campaign it is sometime more beneficial to select Audience Option 2: Create Your Own. This allows you to pick a target location, pick the age group of your audience, and pick the interests of your audience (This is key!) You can pick as many interests as you want.

For Example: Interior Design • Interior Design Pro • American Society of Interior Design • International Interior Design Association • VDA, Designer • Home Design • Home Décor • Design & Interior • DIY Home • Etc. –There is no such thing as too many interests.


The next step is to select your budget and the duration of the ad campaign. 

Side Note: If it’s your first time running a promotion on social media, don’t be afraid to run a “Test Week.” Give your ad campaign one week to run with your selected ad graphic, goal, and target audience.  Once the test week is up you will have analytics and feedback to either continue with what you have, or to change things up!


Instagram will ask you to review everything before launching your promotion.  Make sure to double check everything! From spelling and grammar to the resolution of your ad graphic. 

Then press Create Promotion!


Watch analytics and feedback.  Breathe! Don’t forget to enjoy the process!  

Need help creating ads for Instagram? Reach out today.

XO, Danae


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