So you’re busy? How to avoid turning clients away by adding them to your pipeline

From what I’ve heard lately, designers are incredibly busy and feel like they need to turn away work. This can be hard, especially if you are sometimes feeling starved for business. And, we’ve all been there. 

So, let’s talk about a few things you can do when a client wants to work with you and you just do not have the hours available to squeeze them in.

  1. Walk them through your processes. Go ahead and walk them through the process of working with you, even if you can’t get started right away. If they really love you and want to work with you then they will wait. Let them know how long each typically takes place once you get started. They’ll want to know how much time their project is going to take. And as you know, it’s almost always longer than they think. 

  2. Be specific. When you let them know about the delay, don’t say 12 weeks or 6 months…let them know a specific date. For example, “we can start this project on October 1st”. 

  3. Do something for them. Get part of the project started, if possible. For example, have them send their inspiration photos to you or have them go ahead and fill out any questionnaire or other necessary paperwork. Just to get things started. Do something for them so that they can start to get excited about working with you. 

  4. Send them something. A lot of designers wait until the end of the project to send the client a bottle of wine or some sort of small thank you gift. But if your client is waiting on you, it might be cute to send them something that lets them know that they are on your mind, and that you can’t wait to work with them! A few ideas could be a little card or note with a bottle of wine or some fun swag with your business name on it. Maybe even a cute little goodie bag that has a note saying “I can’t wait to get started on your project on October 1st!” Maybe even add something about what they can do to prepare in the meantime. 

  5. Hire a design assistant (Not so shameless plug). Design assistants can help you with whatever you need help with. Think of them as your personal assistant. If it can be done virtually, your design assistant can help you with it. Some of our clients choose to just have social media taken off of their hands. Some need help with a variety of tasks from sourcing to project management to admin work. A design assistant is a tool and you can use them in a way that works best for you. Think of all the time you could save and how many more projects you could add to your plate if you didn’t have to worry about weekly subscriber emails, social media posts, order tracking, and client style boards! I mean….wow! You are paying them and whatever you can take off your plate - travel plans, online shopping, scheduling hair appts, ordering flowers, holiday cards, etc. 

  6. Work on your processes and tighten them up. If you’re wasting time printing out materials for your client meeting when it’s the same for each client, take a Sunday or another day off and PREPARE yourself for your week. Just as people that are in-shape meal prep and set out their workout clothes, you can do this for your business. If you do client binders, prep those binders as much as you can so all you have to do is grab a new one on your way to see a new client. What can you do right now to prepare yourself for next week? Or next month? You NEED to have a system to set yourself up for success. If you want to have time for more clients and also experience less anxiety, plan plan plan plan plan plan plan plan. Are you getting what I’m throwin’ down?

  7. Add them to your email list so they continue to hear from you while they wait! This is another great way to keep them excited and engaged.

  8. Breathe. From a manifestation perspective, you can actually energetically propel clients when you feel like you may not have time for them. Why not create a pipeline that will be there when you’re ready? That way you feel prepared and available for more clients. Do yourself a favor and GET ORGANIZED and prepared for all your future clients. You got this. 

Next week we have a follow up to this post coming called “5 Ways To Keep your Cool as an Interior Designer”, so stay tuned for that!

Need to contact me about a design assistant? You can sign up for a time to chat by visiting the contact page of our website. I can’t wait to hear from you!

XX, Danae

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