6 Simple Hobbies You Can Start Today!

The past few years have shown us that having hobbies and activities in our lives that are exciting and inspiring is a must! When we don’t have a hobby to look forward to, we tend to fall back on the same mundane things, like binge-watching shows over and over. Instead of wasting our time with the mundane, it’s time to find a new hobby!

The best part about hobbies is that you decide how you want to do them. There are no rules! 

I have compiled a list of 6 simple hobbies you can start right now that don’t require a lot of money or equipment upfront. They also can fit into busy lifestyles and aren’t complicated to the point that you’ll never end up doing them. Maybe you already enjoy some of these, tried others, but I urge you to try implementing something out of your normal routine or current list of hobbies to see if you like it. Who knows, it could just be your new favorite thing to do!

  1. Learn Calligraphy and Hand-Lettering: Most of us have seen those videos on Facebook and Instagram of artists drawing beautiful calligraphy. It’s mesmerizing to watch. But even the most skilled calligraphy artists had to start somewhere. There are multiple ways to try your hand at this hobby, you can search for video tutorials, purchase a calligraphy guide that gives you drawn-out steps, or even pull up some of those videos you were entranced by and try to mimic what they are doing. Remember, you don’t need any fancy drawing tools or guides to start trying out this hobby.

  2. Journaling: With all the thoughts and ideas floating around in our heads, journaling can be a great way to organize and process everything we are contemplating. Taking a few minutes every day to jot down what you’re thinking, feeling, or even what you’re wanting to do can actually be therapeutic and improve your mood. If you suffer from writer’s block or “blank page syndrome,” try a journaling prompt book for inspiration.

  3. Take a Daily Walk: Taking a walk outside each day is a perfect hobby if you’re wanting to spend more time in nature. It’s a great way to get some fresh air, witness new sights and sounds, and nothing clears the mind better. The best part, it’s FREE. You can also add in longer hikes if you’re up for it. It’s a great way to see some beautiful sites, and if you have a dog, bring your furry friend along, you know they’ll enjoy it. 

  4. Follow Along to an Online Video Workout: Going to the gym can be a chore, pair that with running aimlessly on a treadmill, and you’ve got a problem. Try mixing it up by following along to an online video workout. There are so many different types that you’re bound to find one you like: yoga, cardio dance, balance training, just to name a few. Having someone on screen can help you stay motivated too.

  5. Indoor Gardening: Don’t have time for an oversized garden plot outside? And the even bigger question, how are you supposed to garden during the winter? Well, the answer is simple - Indoor Gardening. Many of us have limited space, and really can’t give the kind of commitment that a large garden would require. That’s why having a small kitchen herb garden or even having several house plants can bring this hobby to the forefront of our lives.

  6. Cooking: Most of us are not professionally trained as chefs, and when faced with having to cook for the family every day, it quickly becomes a chore rather than a fun hobby. But surprisingly, cooking can be meditative and relaxing, especially when you try a new recipe and take your time at it. Ask a friend or family member for their favorite recipe. Try cooking a healthy meal, or a recipe from a different culture. The possibilities for cooking are endless. 

Having an exciting and inspiring hobby brings you so many benefits, from igniting your creativity to having intentional “me” time. By finding the hobby that sparks that fire within you, you will find your sense of purpose, and ultimately feel more fulfilled. 

xx, Danae