Marketing Tips and Tricks for Designers

The idea of marketing and advertising goes centuries back, but it’s more crucial than ever to succeed in the increasingly competitive interior design industry. More than ever, you have to demonstrate what sets you apart from other designers to create a name for yourself. Larger design firms often have an in-house marketing team dedicated solely to developing and enhancing their corporate or brand identity and attracting ideal clients. Here are some key strategies you can apply to up your marketing game.

Show who you are

First and foremost, you should have a clear concept of the image you wish to project. You can more easily carve out a niche for yourself in the market if you offer unique services and have a signature design style. Perhaps your studio prioritizes sustainable materials or specializes in unconventional shapes and designs. Whatever your distinction may be, you should fully express it across every platform you use. Let potential clients get to know you by sharing behind-the-scenes content, and your company will feel real and approachable.

Connect with your target client

Once you know what your message is, consider who your target customer is most likely to be. Do you lean toward a traditional or classic style? You can find your audience by setting up ads on Facebook. Do you specialize in newer styles, such as industrial or bohemian? Instagram is the most popular platform among younger consumers. Looking for opportunities to design or collaborate with other businesses? Spruce up your profile and stay active on LinkedIn. By expanding your online presence, potential clients will begin to recognize and trust your company.

Inform, Inspire, Interact

The content you share should inform your audience about who you are and what it is that you offer. Highlight positive reviews that endorse the experience of working with you. Make them dream of the home or spaces they themselves could enjoy by posting stunning photos of your projects. Interact with your audience and encourage interaction through actions such as creating polls or responding to comments whenever possible. Not only will this boost your content’s position on social media, but it will strengthen your connection with these leads.

Give before you receive

Gain more engaged followers who are more likely to turn into clients by offering them something of value even before they reach out. Some designers host weekly or sporadic live sessions online in which they answer viewers’ burning design questions. Others create free newsletters or mini webinars, which is valuable content that builds their confidence in your expertise. And if they decide to hire a professional designer, you will be their first choice.

Marketing is truly a world unto itself, and you may want to delegate certain tasks, such as website building, social media, and ad campaign management, to an expert in the field. However, wherever you are in the process of growing your company, there are always steps like those above that you can take to launch your design studio in the right direction.

xx, Danae