3D Printing in Interior Design

Technology is crazy and always evolving. 3D printing has been around for a long time but as it grows in popularity it’s worth knowing about how interior designers are leveraging 3D printers.

Just in case you don’t know what 3D printing is, it’s where a printer creates three-dimensional objects layer-by-layer using a computer created design. They are used to create things like tools, jewelry, phone cases, figurines, toys, home décor and so much more.

You can create a design and have it printed which gives so much creative control over the object. There are several companies out there creating 3D printed objects for interior design.

Imagine if you worked on historical homes or buildings with intricate architectural elements that needed to be repaired or replaced. A design of something such as detailed molding or façade can be created and then printed using 3D printing saving time and money.

Unique décor pieces such as pendants, sculptural tables, and detailed wall panels can be created using 3D printers. Other popular 3D printed objects are planters, bookshelves, room dividers, tiles, wooden blocks, bowls, trays, and baskets. There are endless possibilities at this point.

There are several home décor 3D printer companies in the US such as Casa Z out of Texas, EDG in New York, Forust in California, and Emerging Objects also in California.

Each of these companies offers unique 3D objects in terms of finishes, home décor, and design. You can find a few smaller businesses on Etsy as well as purchase 3D printer plans for your own 3D printer.

3D printing offers so many creative and unique options for interior designers, furniture designers, architects, builders, and others in the real estate and design industry.

3D printing will continue to change the interior design industry especially now companies such as ICON are building homes using 3D printing. If you are looking for a new niche in the industry 3D printing may just be something that interests you. Whether you already practice sustainable design, are interested in sustainable design, or just want to get into interior design for 3D printed homes, it’s worth looking into now while the industry is young and gaining traction.

xx, Danae