Business Coach… or Business Consult (An Elite Level Up Business Consult)?

As you are aware, interior designers are in many different stages of their businesses. Some of you are brand new to the industry, while others are seasoned professionals. Some of you are solo-prenuers, while others run a larger firm with staff. There are multiple things to consider when deciding whether you need a business coach or a business consult.

In terms of business coaches, there are amazing options for interior designers out there! Working with a business coach is an investment in both you and your business. It is a way to take your business to the next level. Typically, a business coach will collaborate with you to design a concise, long-term plan for your continued business growth and success. Every coaching program is different, but a common theme is to have regularly scheduled meetings for 6 weeks up to 6 or 12 months. Business coaches guide the change and expect timely results.  

Many business coaches have criteria that you must fit in order to work with them. They don’t just work with everyone and for good reason: they want to ensure their collaboration with you is successful. Interior designers seeking a business coach can expect a financial investment, and an investment of time. When you schedule time for coaching calls, implementations, etc., it’s possible your current client projects will need to be deferred to another designer on your team, or design assistant to ensure you have the free time needed to complete coaching initiatives.

You want to make sure the business coach you chose will work with interior designers in your current situation and that you qualify to work with that particular coach. For example, I know some business coaches will NOT work with anyone brand new in the industry, anyone who is just working interior design as a hobby/side hustle or anyone who doesn’t meet a certain annual revenue threshold. Again, you want your business coach to be someone who is coaching interior designers in your similar situation whether you are brand new, a seasoned designer, or somewhere in between.

However, maybe a coach isn’t for you and what you really need is a business consult. As we have all seen at some point, some of our interior design clients really just need a quick consultation. If you offer consultations with DIY clients, you know what I mean.

So, who needs a simple yet highly effective business consultation such as an Elite Level Up Business Consult? Perhaps you! Maybe you are not in a position to afford a business coach, OR you have almost everything figured out but you just need to pick someone’s brain regarding an aspect of your business, OR you are just researching getting into the interior design industry… the list goes on and on.

Here is an example of a designer we recently worked with during a Level Up Business Consult: They had their ideas, knew what their goals were, but didn't know the steps to get there. In came Elite with the assist! This client knew their current pricing system wasn't going to work for a new project they just took on. Their current pricing system needed an update, but they didn’t know how to update it. We’ve all been there, there is so much to consider such as interior vs exterior materials selections, sq. ft. pricing vs hourly pricing, do we raise rates for a long-time client or not. We discussed at length the pros and cons of each scenario, becoming a sounding board of knowledge. The consultation, which lasted about 90 minutes, ended only when we had worked out a firm way for this designer to move their business forward. We know firsthand that the business of interior design is only part creativity. For that simple reason, we took notes during the consultation and recapped the discussion via email, listing in black and white the numbers needed to make the business successful for this new project, and for the ones that follow.

While this consult was regarding pricing schedules, we are happy to discuss building a team, managing orders, establishing trade accounts, marketing and so much more. Our business consultation service is for interior designers or decorators, who have systems in place for existing clients, a relatively steady stream of projects, and is a solo-prenuer or manages a small, local studio. Typically, this designer knows the tools needed to run a successful business, but maybe doesn’t have the revenue stream or time to invest in a coach.  

Let’s break it down for you:

Novice Designers (0-5 yrs in business)  <---  A business consult can be the best way to start getting some of your questions answered. We will always refer you to a business coach if we find your situation is more suited for that path.

  • fresh out of college or is a decorator

  • doesn't yet know their worth (charges $50/hr)

  • may be exploring which design career is right for them

  • clients/projects are obtained by advertising and are not steady yet

Career Designers (5-15 yrs in business)  <---  A business consult is definitely a great option for you. We can guide you in the proper direction in a manner, which is both affordable and respects your time. We will always refer you to a business coach if we find your situation is more suited for that path.

  • you are licensed & insured (if required in your state)

  • have trade accounts/ reps/ sub-contractors at the ready

  • is a designer by trade and made a career of it

  • known in community; steady stream of projects

Seasoned Designers (15+ yrs in business) <---  This is, more than likely, a designer who could utilize a business coach. However, if you would like to take advantage of our team’s expertise, we are happy to offer you an hourly consultation rate.

  • have a team of employees or contractors

  • has an income stream of revenue which is profit

  • possibly has clients on a wait list

  • has systems in place but needs to hone in on processes, increase profit, or update business practices

When you decide that an Elite Level Up Business Consult is just what you need, we offer help answering questions which need explanation in a step-by-step format, advice for those who know what they need, but not how to get there and a way for you to gain feedback, knowledge, and advice from colleagues in the industry.

Interested in our Elite Level Up Business Consultation service? Reply to this email to start a conversation regarding pricing and scheduling. We look forward to being a silent partner in helping you create the business of your dreams!

xx, Danae