Shop the Look for the Best Works Bags for Interior Designers!

It’s time to go purse and bag shopping! We have compiled some of the best bags and purses we know of for busy interior designers like yourself to take to client visits, work site visits, and even to the grocery store.

Click the SHOP NOW button below to buy your favorite bag!

Happy Shopping!

xx, Danae

Creating Vision Boards for Life and Business

As interior designers, we are no strangers to composing material boards or mood boards. The unique combination of images and textures we create tells a story about our vision for the project ahead. As we progress, they can serve as a reference point to return to, helping us stay consistent with our concept and keep us on track to achieve it. So why not do the same with your business or personal life?

A vision board is an inspirational board created with photos, images, clippings, phrases and words that represent the ideal lifestyle you want to reach or the goals you want to achieve. There’s no perfect formula to making a vision board, because it’s completely personal to you.

The most hands-on approach is a physical vision board, which you can make with a classic cork board or wire wall grid, among many other options. But you can also create a digital board made with an app such as Canva, and make it your desktop and phone background. Attach photos you’ve taken yourself, cut out magazines, or find images or quotes online. You may already have an existing collection of aspirational images on Pinterest to get you started.

Life Vision Board

Creating a vision board is an excellent exercise in its own right. Think of places you want to go, inspirational people whose energy you would like to channel, phrases that encourage or resonate with you, milestones on the horizon, objects that have meaning to you, or even fashion photos that inspire you. You can include images that evoke your values in relation to family and friends, spirituality, hobbies, projects or health. Anything that represents the life you want to lead in the future: near or a little more distant.

Business Vision Board

As with your life vision board, ask yourself what values or keywords represent your company, as well as the kind of work environment you’d like to cultivate with your team. Is there a number that represents a goal you have for this year, like a number of projects you’d like to complete? What image would represent your expansion goals? You may also like to work in your corporate fonts and colors in a creative way. Creating a vision board can actually be a great opportunity for team-building, as well, as you put your heads together to add insights.

While it’s important to be grateful for what we have and give ourselves credit for how far we’ve already come, having a vision board will help you to focus on where you want to go and how you want to continue growing. So the most important thing is that your vision board is somewhere you’ll see it often, such as at home first thing in the morning, or in plain view from your office desk.

Just as with all goal-setting, it’s best to choose attainable targets for yourself. Aim high, but if you overload your board with impossible objectives, it will only serve to discourage you rather than fulfill its purpose. Looking at your vision board should make you feel good and contribute to a more positive outlook. So don’t wait till the New Year to reflect on your goals. It's just a matter of dedicating a little time and creativity; nothing you're not willing to do to achieve your dreams, right?

xx, Danae

Make Life Easier With Menu & Grocery List Planning

One day you spend three hours in the kitchen only to see your creation disappear in ten minutes. Another day you open the fridge and find it empty and end up grabbing fast food. Another day you go shopping for ingredients for a recipe and when you get home you realize you already had many of the ingredients, plus yesterday's leftovers. If this sounds all too familiar, the good news is that the solution is easier than it sounds.

For some reason, planning ahead can seem like a daunting chore, but when it comes down to it, isn't the hassle of not planning worse? Investing just a little time at the beginning of each week will save you time and money, and help you eat healthier and live more relaxed. If you're up for giving it a try, read on.


  • What day of the week you are going to plan the menu and do the shopping.

  • How much time you have to cook.

  • The days you will eat out or take lunch to work.

  • If you have kids who eat lunch at school, check the menu for that week to avoid repeating dinners.

  • Whether you will plan breakfasts and snacks, or focus on lunches and dinners.


Mindful menu planning also ensures a more balanced diet. Although nutritional guidelines are constantly evolving, you can follow the principles of a source you trust to include plenty of protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. One such model is known as the "Harvard Plate," which maps out healthy proportions and examples of vegetables, proteins, grains, fruits and oils. With this starting point, you can begin to build a collection of well-rounded meal menus. An example would be fish with wild rice and green beans, cooked with olive oil, and fruit salad for dessert.

You can store your menu ideas in digital format, write them on cards, or hang a poster in your pantry. You may want to organize your menu by categories, such as meat, fish or vegetables. Magazines, food blogs and Pinterest are good places to start for inspiration. Over time, you'll add more options, and this will take the work out of thinking about meal planning and grocery shopping each week.


Before you sit down to choose the meal menus for the week, take inventory of your fridge, freezer and pantry to see what needs to get used up to avoid waste. Now, what recipes do you have that could incorporate those ingredients? Can you include several recipes that are different but share common ingredients? Write down the remaining ingredients you'll need to complete the week's recipes, either in a note app like Google Keep on your phone or on paper. Then, there are countless templates on Canva you can edit and print off to display your weekly menu. See what format works for you, print out a dozen copies and grab one to jot down your menus each week. Another option is to laminate a copy and use it as a reusable dry-erase board and hang it on your fridge.


To save time during the week you can prepare several dishes in advance or cook some foods and have them ready in the fridge just to heat and eat. You can allocate a couple of hours on a day that suits you and advance dishes for the week. This is known as batch cooking, and it can be a lifesaver when you get home late and the last thing you want to do is stand in front of the stove.

The best way to save time in the long run is to prepare the main dishes that you can store in the fridge or freezer. Or, you can just make a large batch of rice or pasta, or whatever base you’ll be using in different recipes throughout the upcoming week. Dishes that break down rapidly, like certain salads, you can chop up the same day you eat them, but thanks to your thoughtful planning, you’ll have all the ingredients on hand and ready to go!

Especially at first, you might find that you have leftovers that you don’t want to throw out, or things will come up that will throw your plan off-kilter. Don’t let this put you off the idea of meal planning, because with a bit of practice, you’ll start to get a better idea of portions and flexibility. And remember, you'll probably still waste less food than if you didn't plan your groceries.


  • Save your old menus and write the date on them. This way you can repeat the plans and quickly find seasonally appropriate menus in the future!

  • If you have never done it before, it may take you longer to do this planning, but you’ll see that once you’ve done it a couple of times, it will become a built-in habit and make your meal prep a breeze!

xx, Danae

Passive Income Ideas for Interior Designers

Whether you feel like you've hit a financial ceiling, want to scale your business, or are simply interested in making more money, the prospect of passive income is an exciting one. Fortunately, interior design is a profession that offers numerous strategies for generating passive income.

The idea is to establish revenue streams that flow in the background with minimal effort on your part. It's important to remember that there is an initial investment of time to get it up and running and, depending on the strategy, there may be more or less maintenance. But if you set it up correctly from the beginning, you will find it to be quite rewarding.

Here are some effective passive income ideas that you can consider introducing into your business.

Digital Downloads

Selling digital downloads is one of the most popular ways to create passive income. Although it requires a significant time investment, it requires little to no monetary investment. You can create downloadable products such as gallery wall templates, e-books, guides, or pre-made mood boards. Try to opt for content that will stay fresh and relevant in the long term to maximize your earnings.


Whether you decide to sell a course on your own website or on another platform like Udemy, you will find customers or budding designers who want to know your design tips and tricks. Create a high-quality product with thoughtful content of value and attractive, cohesive graphic aids. If you sell your course on a third-party platform, you may benefit from more traffic. If you sell it on your own website, you’ll have total control over the price you charge.

Affiliate Marketing

The good news is that most major brands have an affiliate program with which you receive a commission for each sale that comes through your recommendation, such as through a link from your blog. This is a passive income opportunity with high earning potential and no need to get involved in the actual sales. The main challenge may be to work on the SEO of your site so that more customers find you in the first place.


If you already have a large social media following, vendors may offer you their products so that you can market them or simply speak well of them (in exchange for a commission or one-time payment). They may even ask you to become a brand ambassador. Such an agreement may include specific kinds of posts or content, so it’s important that what you’re promoting is in line with your brand.

Online Shops

When it comes to e-commerce as passive income, you generally resell products rather than selling your own. It can take some time to get this set up on your website. Alternatively, you can use an affiliate program like SideDoor or Shopify to add items to your online shop and earn a substantial commission. In either case, you’ll need to advertise and leverage social media to attract customers.

Membership Sites

A membership site offers valuable information for a monthly or annual fee. As an interior designer, you must decide whether your expertise is better targeted to other designers or to consumers. As with digital downloads and courses, you’re sharing your knowledge in an accessible way. It’s one of the more time-consuming methods, which requires excellent marketing and customer service. But once it’s up and running, it can be a highly lucrative source of passive income.

Printable Art

Apart from being an interior designer, do you dabble in drawing or painting? Downloadable, printable art is a prevalent feature in decoration and is purchased by interior designers and consumers alike. Sell your work on Etsy, Shopify, or in your own shop in order to make multiple profits on a piece you created just once.

Hopefully, one or more of these passive income strategies have caught your attention and gotten you excited to start earning more! Looking for more help to get started?

In my eBook, Creating Passive & Multiple Income Streams For Interior Designers, I show you how other interior designers earn passive income in all of the above ways and more. You’ll find in-depth examples, case studies, important considerations, resources, and the steps to take to get these revenue streams going yourself.

xx, Danae

12 Ways To Celebrate National Women's Health and Fitness Day!

Something so vital deserves a day to celebrate and refocus attention on women’s health and fitness. National Women’s Health and Fitness Day is an initiative organized by the Health Information Resource Center. Each year, on the last Wednesday in September, more than 500 groups participate by hosting events across the country in venues ranging from health clubs to schools to community centers. Topics addressed include breast and cervical cancer, family planning and pregnancy, heart disease, and many more.

There is an old Zen saying that goes, "You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day, unless you are too busy. Then you should sit for an hour." This idea could easily be applied to any exercise or wellness practice. It's time to make your health a non-negotiable priority. In addition to participating in an official event, here are 12 more ways you can celebrate National Women's Health and Wellness Day:

  1. Schedule a medical check-up. When was the last time you went for a routine checkup? Even if you're feeling well, it's recommended to visit your doctor at least once a year.

  2. Go for a mammogram. The goal is prevention, so learn how to check yourself, and especially women aged 40 and older or with a family history of breast cancer should talk to their doctor to schedule an appointment.

  3. Buy a fitness tracker. Make it easier to be aware of your activity by wearing a smartwatch or activity tracker, which lets you see how much you’re moving from day to day.

  4. Get your partner or family up and moving. Play a game that requires physical activity as a way to bring your loved ones together and get some exercise in without it feeling like a chore!

  5. Get outside and go for a walk or bike ride. Getting some fresh air and having a change of scenery can do wonders for both our physical and mental health.

  6. Dance to your favorite song. Let yourself be spontaneous and channel those bursts of energy and good vibes.

  7. Grab a friend. Some people find it helpful and motivating to have an accountability partner and enjoy their company while you both benefit from doing some sport or activity.

  8. Take care of your mental health. Often more neglected than physical health, but equally important, check in with yourself and consider seeking professional support, even if you don't feel you "need" it.

  9. Reevaluate your diet. Step back and have a look at whether your daily diet is generally nutritionally well-balanced, and consider meal planning.

  10. Get enough sleep. An undervalued part of health and too often sacrificed, there's a reason doctors insist on 7-9 hours of shuteye per night.

  11. Share what you’re doing on social media. If you already enjoy sharing what you’re up to online, why not raise awareness and inspire others to get back in touch with their own health?

  12. Make a commitment. Like all holidays that aim to bring attention to a cause, the goal is to organize your routine in a sustainable way so you can take care of yourself and enjoy a greater quality of life throughout the whole year!

With all the crazy demands of everyday life, health and fitness often get pushed to the back burner. But this day serves as a reminder that you deserve to dedicate time to your well-being, and it’s also going to allow you to put your best self forward for your loved ones, career, and other priorities. And while maintaining a healthy lifestyle is vital for both men and women, this day recognizes the unique health needs especially for women.

xx, Danae

It's International Coffee Day!

As one of the most popular beverages in the world, chances are that you consume it too. According to a study conducted by the National Coffee Association, 7 out of 10 Americans drink coffee every week. Coffee is fuel, it's comfort, and it's even a pretext for conversation or the perfect first date. So pour yourself a cup to sip as you read on about the significance of the celebration of International Coffee Day.

Although coffee has been celebrated nationally for decades in countries such as the United States, Nepal and Indonesia, the first official International Coffee Day date was instituted by the International Coffee Organization in 2015 in Milan, Italy. The idea is to pay tribute to this popular beverage, and also to promote fair trade coffee while raising awareness of the dire situation of coffee producers.

Most coffee travels a long way from small-scale farmers in the "Bean Belt" countries and through the hands of buyers, various middlemen, roasters and distributors, before reaching the shelves of your local store. From the cup of coffee you buy at your neighborhood coffee shop, the average farmer receives only 1% of the profits. With such minimal profits, there isn’t enough to reinvest in labor, land, or equipment, and parents often take their children out of school to work on the plantations in order to survive.

On the other hand, coffee production often brings with it environmental problems from deforestation to high use of water and energy resources and water pollution, all on a large scale. However, certified organic coffee is grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers. To support ethical standards of coffee production, opting for organic coffee that comes from a supply chain where everyone is paid fairly is an action you can take.

In the health field, there has been plenty of praise and criticism written about coffee, but every day scientists discover more and more benefits when consumed in moderation. Did you know that coffee contains more antioxidants than broccoli? The Harvard School of Public Health found that people who drink coffee are less likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease and even depression. Just remember to consume it in moderation, as the FDA recommends staying under 400 mg of caffeine, which is equivalent to about 4 cups of coffee.

So how can you celebrate International Coffee Day? Here are some ideas for you.

  1. Get free or discounted coffee from one of the many cafés or shops that participate in International Coffee Day.

  2. Gift yourself or a loved one a new coffee mug.

  3. Look for Fair Trade and organic seals on the package before buying or ask the barista about the origin of the coffee.

  4. Try a new brewing method.

  5. Sign up for a coffee subscription to sample different varieties.

  6. Learn how to order coffee in another language.

  7. Try food or drink recipes that include coffee as an ingredient. My favorite is anything chocolate as coffee is known to enhance the flavor of chocolate.

  8. Ask someone out to celebrate the day with you.

Drink up and enjoy this wonderful day!

xx, Danae

It’s Time to Break into the Luxury Market with The Interior Design Standard!

I love sharing helpful tips, tricks and information that I learn about the interior design industry with you that will help you succeed in running the most fulfilling and profitable business possible. I’m excited to share with you once again a business program that’s goal is to improve the interior design industry one design firm at a time.

The Interior Design Standard, created by East Coast interior designer Sandra Funk (House of Funk), is making a huge impact on a number of interior designers’ businesses across the country.

Why is this program making such an impact? Because the Interior Design Standard is House of Funk’s business structure. That’s right! The program includes a variety of modules with templates, processes, tools and tech for designers to implement the structure into their own businesses. Within each module are videos explaining the ‘why’ behind Funk’s processes, with her personal experiences and lessons learned weaved in.  

The program is delivered in a friendly digital format. Designers receive lifetime access, live virtual community events and access to the ultimate design community: the Standard Inner Circle. “Our mantra is ‘Rise, Designers, Rise’. By helping one designer at a time, we hope to see the entire design industry improve,” says Funk.

I want to tell you a little bit more about the designers that the Standard will benefit the most.

·       They've been in business for at least two years

·       They have at least 2 team members

·       Interior design is their calling - they've got the design stuff locked down

·       They're ready to level up and break into the luxury design market

·       They desire to have more confidence, joy, creativity, freedom... and profit

Of course, the Standard is not exclusive to designers that check every box, but their data and testimonials have shown that this is who has fantastic results with the Standard. 

This program is perfect for any designer who needs organized processes, wants to learn more about how a thriving and successful design practice does it and wants to bring joy and passion back into their business.

They give you digestible video explanations accompanied by Sandra’s process, broken down into step-by-step tasks for you to download and customize for your business. Here are a few of the highlights:

·       Interior Design Services Agreement

·       20+ Client email templates

·       Trade Agreement

·       HR Docs galore (job listings, roles, and responsibilities, employee agreements with office policies, onboarding processes, and more) 

·       Full Service Asana template (100+ tasks of our detailed full service and build/renovate process)

·       Potential Client Asana template (detailed tasks outlining and digging into this process from initial outreach to onboarding)

·       And tons of bonuses that will knock your socks off!

Plus, anyone who signs up using my link below will get our Passive & Multiple Income Streams for Interior Designers e-Book for FREE*!

Enrollment only happens twice per year and the next enrollment period starts today, September 28 – October 5, 2022. Don’t wait! Reserve your spot now at:

*The FREE e-Book will be sent via email 60 days after payment in full for The Interior Design Standard is paid.

As always, please feel free to reach out if you have questions!

I hope you have a wonderful day!

xx, Danae

The Best Social Media Post Ideas for Interior Designers

If you aren’t a fan of social media then one of the most time consuming tasks you have can be social media … unless of course you have a social media manager, in which case your life is much easier.

If you are doing all of your social media on your own, below are some tips for higher engagement but first, a few quick tips!

Block out time each month for social media creation and planning. Treat it like a date! No reschedules.

Create a monthly calendar and implement your posts into that calendar.

Using a planning tool such as Planoly or Tailwind, schedule out the entire calendar one time – then focus on your business until your next date with social media.

Schedule to post at the best times of day– what are those you ask? Below is what is recommended for your region.

  • Monday – 12:00 p.m.

  • Tuesday – 9:00 a.m.

  • Wednesday – 11:00 a.m.

  • Thursday – 11:00 a.m.

  • Friday – 2:00 p.m.

  • Saturday – 9:00 a.m.

  • Sunday – 7:00 p.m.

Finally, what you should you be posting for higher engagement.

  • Videos – the shorter the better these days. We’ve turned into a society with extremely short attention spans. A max of 60 seconds used to be recommended, now the powers that be are saying 35 seconds! Get really good at creating great content in 35 seconds or less.

  • Carousels – No time or desire for videos? Create photos that run similar to a video but they are still images, the movement will catch scroller’s attention.

  • Humor – People love funny posts. Be creative, if you are funny let your humor shine! Create posts about what NOT to do as an interior designer, funny things that happen to you in your day or your humorous observations.

  • Unique – Post about unique décor, strange things you find in people’s homes or unique connections to your story or your client’s story.

  • Pets and/or children – People love animals and children. I understand not wanting to post your children so use your own discretion but animals and kids are attention grabbers.

  • Be yourself – Life’s short so now is the time to do whatever you want. Color your hair purple, wear a bedazzled vest or wear funky glasses – people are attracted to those being their authentic selves so get personal. What is unique about you personally? Share it!

I recently saw a real estate investor influencer who was just bored and started dying his hair different colors for fun. His Instagram followers started asking him why he kept coloring his hair and if it was a marketing ploy. He decided he should start looking at the analytics. He found that he had the most engagement on posts when his hair was dyed red or green but overall, he’s had more engagement and made more money this year with dying his hair a different color every few months then he had in all of his previous years of business. Maybe it was a coincidence or maybe it become a fun thing for followers to see what color he’d die his hair next. Or even yet, maybe people were more likely to do business with him become he seemed relatable. No matter the reason, this has worked for him.

At the end of the day if you need social media help, please feel free to reach out by replying to this email.

We are always happy to help!

xx, Danae


Don’t Miss Open Enrollment Begins for the Interior Design Standard by Sandra Funk - September 28!

This program is perfect for any designer who needs organized processes, wants to learn more about a thriving and successful design practice does it and wants to bring the joy and passion back into their business.

T-Shirts! T-Shirts! T-Shirts! Don't Miss This Seasons Cutest Graphic Tees!

I spy with my little eye... these really cool t-shirts that you could buy! Don't miss this season's cutest graphic t-shirts, from business-casual to vintage-inspired. Head on over to our online shop to spy one of your own.

Valuable Resource Info for Interior Designers: Answers to the Top 5 Questions I Get From Interior Designers

After several years in the industry I’ve realized I get asked many of the same questions so here are the answers and resources recommended to the TOP 5 questions I get!

What project management software is best for interior designers?

This is a hard one to answer because there is no clear-cut answer. Every designer has different needs, wants, and goals when it comes to project management software. While some designers absolutely love MyDoma, others prefer Indema. Many of my clients use Studio Designer while others use Ivy. And then there are Design Files and DesignDocs that are becoming more widely used. As well as those designers that prefer non-specific interior design platforms such as Dubsado or 17 Hats.

The best information I can give is Studio Designer seems to be less user-friendly but a better option for large design firms. Ivy, MyDoma, and Indema are very user-friendly. Ivy is now included in Houzz Pro. MyDoma recently upgraded to MyDoma Next and Indema is still working hard to give designers everything they want in a project management platform.

At the end of the day – all of these are being used and loved by many.

What is the best way to streamline my processes and systems?

There are three things I recommend to designers to best streamline their processes and systems for success.

1.     Hire an online business manager to help you do this

2.     Take The Interior Design Standard course

3.     Hire a business coach specifically for Interior Design 

I’m overwhelmed, how do I begin to determine what to outsource?

First, write down a list of tasks that you do NOT enjoy doing.

Next, write down a list of tasks that feel like busy work.

Lastly, write down a list of tasks that you feel would be easy to outsource.

You will see some common threads among these lists and get a better idea of what you need help with.

If you are interested in working with a virtual design assistant (VDA) on my team, you can always send me those lists and I can further narrow down where to begin and create a plan for you to get started.

How does working with someone on your teamwork?

I match you with a VDA who has the skillsets you desire. You have the opportunity to chat with them before you commit to using our service to ensure it’s a good fit. Our contract is on an as-needed basis, with flat hourly rates, and a monthly invoice. If you are interested in visiting more, please feel free to schedule a call here.

I want to incorporate more passive income into my business, what do you suggest?

I do have an e-Book called, Creating Passive & Multiple Income Streams for Interior Designers, that goes into a lot more detail on this. Still, the best ways to start are by creating templates, courses, shop the look boards, affiliate marketing, website ads, sponsors, and more!

What questions do you have? Please feel free to reply to this email and ask! I am happy to help!

xx, Danae

Get The Most Bang For Your Buck With Value-Add To Property

In a sense, any improvement to your or your client’s property will result in a higher property value. But that doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get your money back or make a return on the investment. And, as you will see, it's not just the type of remodeling you do, but the scale and strategy of the remodeling that determines the return on investment. Here are some of the top value-adds that can get you and/or your clients the most bang for the buck.

Improving Curb Appeal

The buyer experience begins well before stepping foot inside a home, and so does the property’s value. Consider some simple landscaping, such as re-mulching, pruning shrubs, and adding a few colorful plants, with potential to recover up to 100% of the investment. According to studies, it is possible to recover roughly 93% of the cost of installing stone veneer and 91% of the cost of a new garage or entry door. New siding or exterior paint also drastically improves first impressions. While not the first place some buyers may look, a restored roof adds significant value to a property, particularly if it has suffered water damage or is simply worn out. Outdoor spaces, such as a deck, patio, or pool, acts as a sort of extension of liveable area, which brings us to the next point.

Increasing Liveable Square Footage

One of the most important factors that determine the value of a property is the liveable square footage. If you have the space and budget, adding to the footprint of your property is a sure way to drive up its value. In particular, additional bedrooms and bathrooms are valued. If that is not possible, you can still increase the value by optimizing the space you do have. This can be accomplished by opening up common living areas, as the new generation of homebuyers generally prefers open floor plans. You can also remodel neglected areas, such as the basement, in order to add to the total area that is truly liveable.

Strategic Kitchen and Bath Remodels

Kitchens are known to be one of the focal points of a home, but note that a basic makeover gives an 87 percent return on investment while a major kitchen redesign only yields about 80%. A light makeover for your kitchen could include painting cabinets or putting in new doors, upgrading large appliances and countertops, or installing more modern cabinet hardware. Bathroom remodels work similarly. A superficial bathroom remodel can mean up to a 102% return on investment! Prioritize regrouting tiles and replacing mirrors, fixtures, and caulk around the shower, tub, and toilet areas.

Updated Systems and Energy Efficiency

Make sure that your electrical and plumbing installations are working properly so that they don’t detract from the sale value. While not necessarily an aesthetic improvement, upgrading HVAC, water heaters, and windows will provide the highest returns. Between the growing interest in more environmentally friendly options and the long-term savings associated with more efficient energy, buyers are increasingly attracted to these types of upgrades. Be sure to detail the benefits when marketing your property so buyers understand what they are getting.

Fresh Paint and New Floors

One of the most effective and budget-friendly upgrades is a fresh coat of paint. Opt for light neutral shades. It will work wonders for brightening up darker areas and breathing new life into not only walls, but cabinets, trim, and exterior. On the other hand, hardwood flooring is highly valued by many buyers today, and when installed properly, it can increase the selling price of a home by around 2.5%.

Home Staging

The objective of home staging is to make a property more appealing, thus increasing its value. Professional home stagers strategically organize and furnish the property in such a way that viewers can project themselves in the space and better see its potential. According to a recent study by the International Association of Home Staging Professionals, staging can contribute to a 20% boost in the sale price. Besides that, staging accelerates the sale of homes by three to 30 times compared to unstaged competitors.

Determining exactly which upgrades will get you the most bang for your buck requires a study of your property’s weak spots and the local market and demand. Working with a local realtor can help you to decide what upgrades make the most sense to invest in so your home or your client’s home meets the expectations of buyers in your market.

Happy Value-Adding!

xx, Danae

Celebrate International Literacy Day Coming Up on September 8th!

The cooler season approaches, evoking images of crisp air and curling up with a book and a hot drink. Is it any coincidence that this month marks International Literacy Day? Celebrated since 1967, UNESCO established this day, September 8 each year, “to remind the public of the importance of literacy as a matter of dignity and human rights.”

Surprising as it may seem, there are an estimated 750 million adults in the world who cannot read: not this blog post, not a road sign. Nor are they capable of holding a simple text message conversation, since literacy also encompasses the ability to write. In other figures, there is 90% literacy in the world for all males, and only 82.7% for all females.

In an impactful dialogue photographer Brandon Stanton held as part of his acclaimed Humans in New York project, a young Pakistani recounts, “My father used [his] knowledge to teach me how to read. I started with local newspapers. I learned that our village was part of a country…And I learned that there was an entire world around this mountain. I learned about human rights. And now I’m studying political science at the local university. I hope to be a teacher one day.” His story is just one example of the powerful ripple effect that learning to read and write makes on someone’s life, at all stages of development. It makes all the difference, both on a personal level, and when it comes to moving up the socioeconomic ladder.

Reading is also important for our health. Reading books, in particular, can improve concentration, attention span and memory. It has also been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and dementia later in life by maintaining brain health as we age.

So let's use the day to raise awareness of this issue and appreciate our own literacy, which can be so easy to take for granted. Here are some things you can do to participate in International Literacy Day.


Donate books. Round up a box of books that you or your kids don’t read anymore and hand them off at your local library, a US organization such as Kids Need to Read, or an organization that benefits African children, whose overall literacy rate is the lowest in the world, such as Books for Africa. These types of organizations also often accept financial donations in lieu of books.

Start a community lending library. These adorable mini-libraries are popping up all over and foster a love for reading, as well as a sense of community and goodwill. In fact, there is an official network of over 100,000 locations, so check on Little Free Library’s map for one near you, or find tips for building your own and register it for others to find!

Gift a book. Pick out a book for a special adult or child in your life that shows you were thinking of them. Books make great gifts for birthdays and holidays, but you don't have to wait until then. International Literacy Day or any other day is the perfect opportunity.

Create your own reading haven. Make it a priority to enjoy reading or writing by setting the perfect scene for yourself. Start by refreshing your personal library with a new book or notebook, get cozy in your favorite sweater, light a candle, and prep a mug of your favorite drink.

So get out there and celebrate International Literacy Day! Also, check out our Shop the Look for International Literacy Day for fun book-related items to treat you and your loved ones with.

xx, Danae

How Can We Help You?

Elite Design Assistants Wants Your Feedback on What You Would Like!

Are you super busy and overwhelmed? Do you feel like you are spinning in circles and need to take some time to get your business in order?

As you know, each week I love sending you valuable information regarding popular topics in the interior design industry and lifestyle topics that pertain to interior designers. Today, I’d love to hear from you. What topics would you like to learn more about? What types of things are you interested in but don’t have time to research? What are your pain points?

Are there other templates, prewritten content or other digital downloads you’d like to see? Do you need help with marketing, organization or streamlining processes? Are there services, courses, software programs or other things you’d like to see and/or learn more about?

Whether you use my services or not, my hope is that the weekly emails are beneficial to your business and that you are able to continue to learn and grow.

I want everyone to be successful, so please feel free to reply to this email and let me know what you need! And it doesn’t all have to be business related. Maybe you want to learn more about fashion, food, travel, fitness, self-care, whatever it is, let us know!

I hope you are taking some time to relax and enjoy the summer! It’s going fast!

Take Care!


Tips For Handling Difficult Clients

You might already have a recent clash in mind. As with any profession that deals directly with clients, it’s simply inevitable that friction will arise at some point. A problematic client is the last thing we want, because it can cause a once-promising project to fall apart, result in a horrible experience for everyone involved, or even damage your reputation as a designer. Given that, it’s crucial to have some tools in your belt that will help you to defuse tensions and move forward with these clients, if it’s meant to be. Let's look at some types of difficult clients and essential tips that will help you the next time you encounter such a case.

Disgruntled Clients

Disgruntled clients can range from disappointed to combative. It’s likely that their energy stems from a fear of losing control over their time, finances or control in general. Or perhaps there has been a misunderstanding about your services and they feel dissatisfied or even cheated. If a client has a reasonable complaint and respectful approach, they’re not included in this category.


Take a deep breath, don’t take it personally or get defensive, and let them express their grievances in full to understand the root of their concern (unless they become outright aggressive). It’s better to resolve issues over the phone or in person than by email. Despite the saying that “the customer is always right”, you don’t necessarily have to agree with them. Be assertive, but do proceed constructively, it’s important to really listen and acknowledge their sentiments so they feel you care. Show you understand by saying “I’m hearing that you are concerned about X. Is that correct?” Don’t make promises you can’t keep, but offer a solution if at all possible. You may tell them you need 2-3 days to work out a solution that they’ll be happy with. If they continue to protest, it may be necessary to reiterate the limitations and part ways once you’ve followed through on your end.

Overly Demanding Clients

These clients may not realize or respect the time and resources involved in satisfying their numerous requests. This could mean them asking for one revision after another or for accommodations that aren’t included in your agreed scope of work, or having unrealistic budget or timeline expectations.


Much of this can be prevented by being meticulous from the very beginning about the terms of agreement. This means detailing every step of every phase of the project, specifying the scope of work as well as responsibilities. That way, when the client comes to you with an exorbitant demand, you can kindly remind them that this is not included in your agreement (and be able to show them these terms in the paperwork they signed if it comes down to it). However, you should always try to accommodate clients’ requests if possible. You want a reputation for going above and beyond for your clients, but you also need to be compensated fairly. So, if you can, tell them, “Yes! We can absolutely do that for you. That service will come at a surcharge of X amount."

Know-It-All Clients

Despite hiring you for your expertise, we can occasionally come across clients who feel compelled to finish your sentences or outright explain to you how to do your job. For whatever reason, they may be under the impression that you are unqualified or inexperienced, or perhaps they just enjoy an audience to flaunt their knowledge.


In any case, it’s not worth getting into a battle of egos. Stay patient and cordial, and don’t let them wear you out. It’s important to get your word in so you can be thorough in walking them through your own professional process. Use sentences that begin with “Our design firm…” because it instantly neutralizes the relevance of how they or other firms do things. You can refer to your portfolio and respond with “In all my years of experience in…” to reaffirm your position. At the end of the day, the client has to decide whether they want to trust you with their project or not, so let them know how you work and see if you’re a good fit for each other.

Uncommunicative Clients

Getting to know your client (and vice versa) is essential to avoid surprises of any kind when you are further along in the project. Clients who have difficulty expressing their wants or needs make it hard to help them effectively. Uncommunicative clients also might take too long to respond and cause delays in the timeline.


When it comes to people of few words, it’s important to take those words seriously. But in order to gather enough information to carry out a successful project for them, you’ll need to start with a very detailed intake questionnaire. If their answers are vague or incomplete, print it out and go over it with them in person to fill in the gaps you need. If they say things like “You’re the expert, you decide,” they’re probably not clear on what they want. So propose an option or direction, but always get the client’s approval before moving forward. As part of the onboarding process, be explicit about the commitments needed from the client in order for you to be able to stick to the timeline. Your contract should include terms that protect your company from negligence on their part. Finally, send friendly reminders leading up to things like meetings and payment deadlines.

Prevention and Damage Control

Issues can easily arise that aren’t your fault, but you can still learn from these experiences. For example, your process or contract may have been crystal clear and gone smoothly with other clients, but you may find that there are certain steps or clauses that are worth fine-tuning and emphasizing more with future clients - just in case - so that expectations are clear from the get-go.

You can improve client relationships by avoiding impersonal templates in email communication and responding in a timely manner. Make sure your team is trained and equipped to handle these kinds of clients, as well. And if you do end up with a negative comment that could tarnish your name, be sure to respond publicly with a polite explanation so that prospective clients can see your attentiveness and your side of the story.

Finally, since dissatisfied clients are more likely to take the initiative to leave a review, always ask your happy clients to write positive reviews in order to bolster your company’s reputation. Fortunately, there are plenty of people who notice and appreciate quality customer service, so do everything you can and don't let difficult customers get you down.

xx, Danae

Top 5 Myths About Passive Investing

Passive investing is a long-term investment approach with the objective of building wealth gradually over time. By minimizing buying and selling, passive investing increases long-term returns through cost savings. Passive investing continues to gain traction as more and more investors abandon actively managed funds in favor of passively managed alternatives. However, if you want to get involved, take a look at these myths first so you don't start off misinformed.

 Passive investing is only for inexperienced investors.

Not necessarily. It’s true that passive investments such as index funds or ETFs are very easy for investors to track and comprehend. For individuals who want a simpler investment without having to continually monitor their portfolio, passive investing is ideal. But it’s also appropriate for more experienced investors who are cost-conscious and hesitant to assume financial risks associated with choosing a fund management.

 Passive investing typically yields lower returns.

It’s getting harder for actively managed funds to outperform the benchmarks. While actively managed funds aim to surpass the market returns, passively managed funds aim to mirror market returns. However, this does not imply that passive investments produce inferior returns. And in the long term, passive investments are rarely outperformed.

 The returns from passive investing match those of the index.

Not always. Theoretically, passive investment tools generate returns that are identical to the index. However, there may be circumstances in which a specific passive fund is unable to match index returns due to a variety of factors, such as the need for an index fund to keep cash on hand for redemptions, mutual fund costs, or the inability to purchase a stock at the index price. This disparity is called a tracking error.

 Passive investing limits portfolio diversification.

It’s debatable. Passive funds provide broader market access because they follow an index. Additionally, there are passive funds that monitor foreign indices as well as funds that bring regional diversification to a portfolio. Sectoral ETFs can also provide sectoral exposure at a lesser cost.

 Passive investing is a risk-free alternative.

Overall, passive investing has the same risk as active. Despite the lower costs associated with fund management, equity markets are vulnerable to systematic risks. These could be economic, geographical, political, or interest rate risks. If you’re investing internationally, you also face current rate risks.

Put simply, because of its potential to be relatively inexpensive and straightforward, passive investing is quite a promising approach. But regardless of how you invest, you should always keep in mind and put the fundamentals of investing into practice. These include paying attention to your risk profile, asset allocation, and maintaining diversification.

xx, Danae

Most Popular Ways to Value-Add to Real Estate Investment Properties

The added value of the property is that differentiating factor that will help you to highlight the properties you sell. In such a competitive market you need to know what it is and how to present that plus that your offer has. So, if you are looking to shine in your real estate business, you should read all the way to the end.

A value-add property is an investment that gives investors the chance to boost an asset's cash flow through upgrades, rebranding, or putting together a strong management team. Such investment properties may be dilapidated because of negligence on the part of the owners or a lack of funds for repairs. Investors can acquire these properties at a discount to market value, and then can improve them structurally, physically and operationally. This will increase rents, attract more tenants and reduce vacancy rates.

So what are some of the most popular ways to add value to real estate investment properties? There are countless elements that can be optimized, but the most common could be summarized as property renovations, management restructuring, and marketing efforts.

Property Renovations

Interior and exterior renovations directly impact the emotional response of the potential buyer. From the moment they pull up, they want to see a well-kept exterior. On the interior, make sure you are making the most of the square footage by analyzing the floor plan. Look for areas that waste space and could be used to add a home office, which is more in demand than ever. A modern, updated kitchen is especially appealing to the new wave of first-time homebuyers. Increasingly, people tend to prefer open-concept plans for common areas, so see if knocking down some walls would work for the space. Remodeling the basement is one way to significantly increase living space. Tenants also highly value security features, such as a gated entrance, and additional amenities, such as a community pool or gym. Improving the appearance and functionality of a property makes a powerful impression and multiplies the value.

Management Restructuring

Management restructuring, a less apparent improvement at first to buyers, is one way to improve efficiency and thus operating costs. A good property manager will ensure that your property and its tenants continue to receive the maintenance and attention they require. He or she will see to it that the units are kept full, maximizing revenue. Finding a property manager you can trust also frees you up to invest in multiple other properties at the same time.

Marketing Efforts

As with practically any service or product, the perceived value has much to do with the way it is presented to the consumer. It’s all about highlighting the value that is there through professional photos, enticing ads, a curated pitch, and a professional buying experience from start to finish. You may consider taking advantage of a home staging service to allow viewers to project themselves in the space and see its potential. For multifamily properties, a solid marketing strategy could also include rebranding the complex with a fresh concept that people want to be a part of.

In summary, when investing in value-add real estate it is vital to ensure that you have the right team, an optimized property and effective marketing strategies in place to ensure that your value-add investment strategy is carried out correctly. With effective execution, value-add investing can be highly lucrative.

xx, Danae

The Best Ways to Scale Your Interior Design Business

In the business world, what got you to one stage probably won’t get you to the next. It’s true that changing your structure or way of working, investing, and creating a work team can feel like a lot, especially if you have been working on your own for a while. But it’s a reality that you have to face in order to scale your business and take it to the next level. When you've gained enough traction to expand your team or move to a larger office, that's great news. But how can you start increasing your revenue without significantly increasing costs or effort?

Is it Time to Scale my Interior Design Business?

First, it is important to make moves at the right time. Enlist the help of a financial planner to crunch the numbers and conduct a study of the current market as well as the performance of your business so far. This will help you determine what, if any, changes are in order. A couple of indicators that it may be time to reevaluate things, too, are if you're getting more client requests than you have time to handle or are overwhelmed with administrative tasks. Basically, if you feel maxed out and like you’ve hit a revenue ceiling, take heart. It gets better.

Review Your Business Plan

Scaling can look different for different business models or directions. Write down the aims and values of your company, niche, and target client profile. Write your business goals and get help in mapping out strategic 1, 3, and 5-year plans, even if you later decide to make adjustments. Budget for slow seasons, such as the winter holidays, and be intentional about your investments. Having all of this established will position you to spot the best opportunities.

Renovate Your Service Offering

Evaluate whether any of your current service offerings should be repackaged or repriced. See what complementary services you could add and upsell, creating multiple revenue streams. And, perhaps best of all, establish additional passive income streams that will add to your revenue on an ongoing basis with minimal upfront investment. Some examples are promoting brands on your blog, earning through product affiliate sales, using platforms like Sidedoor or Like To Know It, becoming a brand ambassador, or selling digital products like an ebook or pre-made mood boards.

Be picky about your projects

Since you have already determined what your ideal projects and clients look like, don't waste time on projects that don't fit. Each project involves a certain amount of resources, and there will be projects that will strengthen your portfolio and reinforce your brand better than others. If you filter the requests you receive accordingly, it's another way to get the most out of your efforts.

Put Technology Tools to Work

To level up you will need to improve your digital marketing strategy. It's time to work with online marketing automation and CRMs, and perhaps improve the quality of your social media content. Don't skimp on tools that save you time, and help you organize, improve, and automate processes. There are many project management programs out there designed specifically for interior design studios that could make a real difference in your productivity.

Streamline Your Processes

Your company should have a manual with standard operating procedures outlining the order of tasks and responsibilities for each stage of a project, as well as administrative maintenance and growth initiatives. Analyze and write down what has worked so far, and keep your manual updated with any new insights. This will allow you to stay on top of your company's management, not let leads or other opportunities slip through the cracks, and also keep your team on the same page as part of your ongoing communication with them.

Train and Delegate

Design and administration are equally important to the success of your business, but there will be times when your need for the support of one skill set is greater than the other. Take inventory of the skills that aren’t your strong points and see if they fall into a similar category in order to hire one person to take them on. Start there and expand your team gradually, depending on your company’s needs at each juncture.

Properly training new hires and working side by side with them, especially in the beginning, will save you time in the long run. Keep in mind that the onboarding process can take a few months, so be prepared to invest that time and your salary amount, even before their work really starts to reflect in the company's profits. If you’re not ready to take on a new team member full-time, consider working with a virtual assistant who is able to help you with a wide range of tasks.

As you can see, scaling your business has everything to do with optimizing its various facets. It's about staying open to doing things more efficiently and taking advantage of revenue-generating opportunities while your day-to-day efforts are right where they need to be.

xx, Danae

Beat the Heat with these Healthy Summer Treats!

Under the long-awaited summer sun, we all need refreshments to get us through the hot days. If you want to keep yourself cool and satisfy your sweet tooth, all while staying healthy, check out these healthy summer treat recipes!

Fruit Popsicles

They are one of the stars of the summer because of their simplicity, refreshing effect, and the ability to be creative with them! Start with a popsicle mold and pour in your own mix, with a touch of the sweetener of your choice, to freeze between 4-8 hours. You can make a sorbet variety with mixed berries or watermelon and a squeeze of lemon or lime. Or try mixing Greek yogurt with fruits like blueberries or bananas for a creamier version.

Peanut Butter Banana Cups

You’ll need ¾ cup chocolate chips, 1 medium banana, ¼ all natural peanut butter, 1 tbsp melted coconut oil, plus baking cups. First, melt the chocolate. Separately, combine the melted coconut oil with the peanut butter. Pour 1 tsp of melted chocolate on the bottom of the baking cups, then 1 banana slice, 1 tsp of the peanut butter mixture, and lastly, ½ tsp of melted chocolate in the center. Freeze for about 1 hour and they’ll be ready to go.


Sugar-packed milkshakes at the drive-thru are another story, but you can make many delicious and healthy smoothie recipes yourself. Start with a base of 2 plain single-serving yogurts, 2 cups of ice and add the blend of your choice. Try peach-mango, cocoa-banana, banana-papaya or strawberry-coconut. Blend, and it’s ready to serve (approx. 4 servings)!

Chocolate Avocado Mousse

For a richer option, try this recipe, which doesn’t taste like avocado, by the way! Blend until smooth: 2 ripe avocados, 1/4 cup regular cocoa powder, 1/4 cup Dutch cocoa, 3-4 tablespoons milk of your choice, 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract, 1/8 teaspoon salt and a sweetener of your choice to taste. You can serve it immediately (approx. 4 servings), chill it in the fridge first, or even make fudgesicles with it!

Fruit Skewers

Cut up bite-size square chunks of different fruits about half an inch thick to create a variety skewer. Some great options are fruits like cantaloupe, pineapple, peach, mango and strawberries. Stack the squares, alternating the fruits, and add them to the wooden skewers. You can garnish with a light drizzle of chocolate, honey or finely grated coconut.

Salted Chocolate-Dipped Mandarin Slices

All you need is 5 mandarin oranges, ½ cup chocolate chips and a pinch of sea or coarse salt. Melt the chocolate chips, dip each orange slice halfway or more into the melted chocolate and set them on a baking sheet. Sprinkle lightly with salt, refrigerate until the chocolate has hardened and enjoy!

Have fun with these recipes and experiment with your own combinations!

xx, Danae

How to Use 'Like To Know It' and Build a Design Template for Passive Income

As you look to expand the financial reach of your interior design business, you'll likely be drawn to finding new passive income opportunities. It’s just smart to invest a little bit of time into building sources of revenue that will work for you time and time again.

What is Like To Know It?

Meet Like To Know It or LTK (formerly known as RewardStyle), founded by fashion blogger Amber Venz Box. It’s an app used by brands, content creators or influencers, and consumers. So it works much like social media platforms, where users can browse, search, “like” and save posts, follow creators, and shop links. LTK offers over 5 thousands retailers, including item categories like beauty, fashion, and home goods.

Like To Know It invites interior designers, architects, and other professionals to bring their style expertise to the platform and reap the benefits. As a content creator, you can post shoppable photos and videos and receive a commission.

What kind of content can I create on LTK?

First, start with an idea for a curated product collection. Here are some examples for inspiration!

  • whole room composition based on a style and color palette

  • a gallery wall of art

  • objects for shelf styling

  • favorite new items from a brand

  • statement pieces

  • organization solutions

  • home office essentials

  • a selection of season decor

  • outdoor furniture options

  • gift guides

  • throw pillow combinations

  • must-haves for entertaining

  • other lifestyle items in line with your business

How do you build a design template for Like To Know It?

Sourcing from one or multiple brands, put together a digital collage of the products you choose in an attractive editorial style, and post. In order to make their collages, many creators use tools like Canva, which is very user-friendly. And once you’ve got a few designs in your inventory, you can use them as templates for future posts, which will save you time. Here are the basic steps for creating a collage design:

  1. Take screenshots of the products you want to include in the collection. Make sure you’re getting a high quality image.

  2. Open a blank canvas. You can start with Canva’s template for a square Instagram post, or size to 1080 x 1350 pixels to upload to LTK.

  3. Add the product images to the canvas. Use the upload button or simply drag the image files.

  4. Remove the image backgrounds. Use the built-in background removal tool on Canva if you have a Pro account, or otherwise a free online tool like Adobe’s and upload the photos to Canva afterward.

  5. Arrange the products. Use your design instincts to arrange the products in a harmonious, aesthetically pleasing way around the canvas, whether symmetrical or in a zig-zag fashion. Similar products should be scaled to the same size. This step is very important to achieve an eye-catching result.

  6. Add final details. Using your business’s fonts and colors throughout. You can add the title of the collage to the canvas, as well as some simple graphic accents to complement the design. For LTK posts, add your logo and LTK handle. Keep it very clean, simple, and unified. Finally, download the file to your computer to then upload to the app.

Next time you have a concept that could use the same layout, revisit your designs in Canva, make a copy of the most similar layout, rename the new design, and simply drop your new images into the old ones. They should seamlessly take their place. Make any necessary tweaks to the sizing or spacing, change the title if there is one, and you’ve got your new collage!

How will my content reach shoppers?

Using LTK’s web and mobile tools, you can create, share, and track content from the same place. The Like To Know It app itself sees over 300K shoppers each month. But the impact really comes with sharing your creations with the affiliate links elsewhere, including platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest. From there, you can begin to grow an audience of high-intent shoppers and multiply your earnings.

Brands rely on your ability to sell a vibe or lifestyle to consumers through beautiful yet accessible content. And with the wide variety of brands LTK offers, you can stay true to the essence of your signature style or niche for a truly personalized collaborative partnership.

How can I get started on LTK?

So is there a catch? Just that you’ll need to complete the application process and be approved in order to start posting. While LTK doesn’t list specific criteria in order to join, here are some tips. To be an ideal content creator candidate on LTK, you must have an active public profile with an engaged following on Instagram or YouTube, or otherwise a blog. Ideally, you’ll have more than one of these, but Instagram may be the most important. They’re looking for high quality relevant content with a significant following and engagement. If your Instagram profile is a weak point for you, take some time to improve it before applying to LTK. The good news is, if you don’t get approved the first time, you can reapply again in the future.

xx, Danae

Lead Generation Ideas: Build Your Audience and Gain Potential Clients

We've all been there. You go to download a freebie and a window pops up asking for your name and email address in order to get the download link. That freebie is called a lead magnet, and it’s a way to encourage people who are already interested in content related to your interior design business to volunteer their information and consent to receiving marketing-infused content from you. And that's the beginning of your opportunity to build awareness and trust, and pre-qualifies or primes them for a great experience working with you.

First Things First

Before anything else, according to the concept of the digital marketing funnel, you will need to get the word out about your business and drive traffic to your website. You can achieve this through social media content, search engine optimization and paid advertising. It’s all about attracting the type of client you want to work with.

How Do Lead Magnets Work?

Once on your website, if you don't ask for your potential clients' contact information, you may lose them forever. This could be a pop-up, in the footer of your website, or at the end of a blog post. You can also promote them on your social media accounts. Show them an eye-catching image and title of the content you’re offering. In exchange for something they find really valuable, they’ll be willing to give you their email address. And generally, they should automatically receive an email with a download link, for example to a shared Google Drive or Dropbox link. You can set this up using a tool like MailChimp, AWeber, or ConvertKit. And once you have a mailing list, you can send new content to already-existing leads to remind them about you - as well as just offering useful content!

What Should Lead Magnets Include?

Use Canva or PowerPoint to create a PDF file format. Use your brand’s logo, fonts, and colors throughout. Focus on just one topic, and it should be easily digestible with images and include headers and bullet points wherever it makes sense to.

When your potential client opens the file, they should immediately recognize it to be what they were looking for, or else they will feel tricked. But it’s important to introduce your company as the voice of authority behind the content they’re about to consume. Include a photo of your team and a brief blurb about your company. Be intentional about the tone you use, appeal to their emotions, and emphasize the pain point they’re looking to solve. The content you give away should be useful in its own right, but it must always also include a call to action (Book a consultation!), to encourage them to take the next step and seek your help.

What Are Some Lead Magnet Ideas?

Consider your niche and your ideal client. Homeowners looking to renovate and entrepreneurs opening a new coffee shop are going to be interested in different types of content. What questions and needs might come up for them?

Lead magnet ideas include:

  • style tips (How to Create a Color Palette for Your Home)

  • mini guides (How to Budget for your Home Design Project)

  • listicles (Top 5 Most Impactful Design Upgrades You Can Make)

  • checklists (Home Staging Checklist to Sell Your Home)

  • case studies (How Interior Design Increases Property Value)

  • design quizzes (What’s Your Personal Style?)

  • newsletters (your company's content is delivered regularly to their inbox)

Other Ways to Generate Leads?

While developing lead magnets, you can also generate leads through networking and building collaborative relationships with other industry professionals who are not your direct competitors. You can also make yourself known on online platforms like Houzz, where clients can find you when they search for the service they're looking for. And when you complete a successful project with a client, be sure to always ask them for a testimonial and for them to recommend you to their family and friends if they are happy with the result.

Creating quality lead magnets and getting the flow going can be time-consuming, especially in the beginning. But you can save time by creating templates for future magnets, so it will be faster. And you'll see how upping your lead magnet game is essential to your marketing success and well worth the investment.

xx, Danae