It's Time to Take a Break: Mini Mental Vacation & Relaxation Techniques

With the prospect of summer vacation on the horizon, it feels harder than usual to settle into your office chair and get on with your daily routine. But we sometimes forget that vacation is not just having days with nothing to do or swapping one type of stress for another. Real vacations are mental. And they are possible and recommendable in our everyday life, so you don’t have to wait for your vacation days. You can enjoy many of the same relaxing benefits from a mini mental vacation no matter where you are. Here’s how.

Set a sacred time to unwind

Schedule some time, even if it’s just 5 minutes, to really set aside your problems and activities. Silence your phone. Nothing can burst your bubble during this time. It’s a non-negotiable getaway, all yours.

Live in the present

Many of us live worrying about the future and lamenting the past. There is peace to be found in connecting with the present moment by doing grounding or breathing exercises. Here is a simple one to try.

  • Sit as comfortably as you can.

  • Bring your attention to your breathing and begin to inhale softly and deeply. Pause and then exhale very slowly through your nose. Let your stomach deflate and release the tension from your chest and back. Repeat at least 10 times.

  • It’s normal if your mind gets distracted, so when you notice this, bring your attention back to your breathing.

  • Some people like to add a positive affirmation or mantra to repeat in their mind with each breath.


For those of us who aren’t used to meditating, it can feel more daunting than freeing. But now, with a quick search, there are countless guided meditations available on streaming platforms and apps for all moods, tastes, and schedules, making the practice so much more accessible and effortless to all.

Don’t compare

It can be hard not to sigh when we see our friends or contacts posting selfies with turquoise beach backgrounds and drinks in their hands. Aside from the fact that social media often doesn't reflect the actual experience behind it, comparing yourself will only serve to make you bitter. Instead, send them good vibes and reconnect with your own present.

Make a gratitude list

More than likely, you already have a number of beautiful circumstances around you that you can bring to mind with gratitude. Write them down and take time to appreciate and bask in the sensation of each one.

Let yourself daydream

Beyond the here and now, take some time to envision a place you would love to be, and draw every detail you can in your imagination: the colors, the smell, the breeze, everything. Or you may even want to explore destinations online for a real future trip. It can even be intriguing to check out faraway places around the world on Google Street View.

Try new things

Breaking routine is stimulating to the brain and awakens our sense of discovery. You can achieve this by taking a different route to or from work, trying a new food or restaurant, or talking to someone new. Take a look at your routine and see what you can mix up.

Call a friend

While many of us are used to texts and emails that string together interrupted conversations throughout the day, a solid chat session with a good friend can transport you to their world, your shared musings, and upcoming plans.

Connect with nature

As part of the natural world, it can be very calming and healing to get in touch with nature. If you can’t go to the beach or a campground right now, take a walk in the nearest park and sit under a tree to listen to the leaves and birds or near a fountain to listen to the trickling water.

We all have different ways we like to disconnect from our stressful routines, but remember that a mental vacation is more than a temporary distraction. It's reclaiming time to actively connect with yourself and take care of yourself, and it's worth it.

xx, Danae