3 things you can do right now to connect with your ideal client online

I’m sure you’ve heard it before! You have to connect with your ideal client through your marketing if you want to not only call in clients but to have those clients be the best fit for you and the services you offer.

Because who wants to work with clients who just don’t feel quite aligned?! Nobody….

Clients are more likely to purchase from you if you are talking specifically to them in your marketing and tailoring things to their needs. 

The problem is, it’s hard to know what to do to actually form that necessary connection. So we decided to leave you our top 3 tips for doing just that!

  1. Know who they are and talk directly to them in every post. This will require sitting down and deciding exactly who this person is. Give them a name, a profession, an income, interests, a favorite wine, a style preference, etc. Go as deep as you can and really get specific with their hobbies, interests, and anything else you can think of.

  2. Solve a problem for them. Pick a couple pain points that your ideal client has and show them a project where you solved a similar problem. This is a great way to position yourself as the expert.

  3. Be you. Do you have anything in common with this client? People are more likely to hire people that they know, like and trust. And sharing more of who you are allows them to do that! Maybe you both like to drink wine and you share your top favorite kind or do a quick and easy boomerang of you drinking a glass at the completion of a project.

Remember to dive deep into who your ideal client is. If you’re talking to everybody in your marketing, you are actually talking to nobody. 

Bonus tip: Don’t be afraid to create polarizing content. This will eliminate those clients that are not a good fit and invite in the ones who are. 

Happy Holidays from everyone at EDA!

Need help creating content that will connect you with your ideal client? Reply to this email to inquire about our services.