What's New With EDA?


Happy Wednesday, everybody! My team and I have been working working working like busy little bees the last few months pulling together a bunch of new fun stuff for you guys. 

This email will be a little different than the others, because we just want to let you in on all the new things we have to offer and how you can benefit from them. 

Shop The Look

You know those shop the look boards and fashion blogs we’ve been sending out to you. Well, we thought it would be a good idea to get all of those in one place so that you can shop them whenever you want. We’ll be adding to it monthly so make sure you check it out. But, don’t worry, we’ll still be sending new shop the look boards to you via email on a semi-regular basis. You can find these by clicking here. 


These have been up on the website for a few months but I don’t think we’ve addressed it yet in an email or blog. We have a wonderful template shop where you can find not only email templates but also all sorts of great templates that can help you run your business as smoothly and efficiently as possible. An example of a few of the options are: 

  • Client Design Questionnaire

  • Interior Finish Schedule

  • Client Project Brief

  • Client invoice

These are just a few but you can find the rest here.


Remember that fun survey we had you fill out a couple months ago? We had lots of requests for help with travel, legal resources, affiliate income, and more...so we put together a place on our website where you can find it all in one spot. We’re even partnered with a company called Travelgistix that provides travel expertise for pretty much any trip you might want to take. 

If you’re interested in any of this, make sure to go and check out the details here.

Passive Income E-book

This has been many months in the works and we are very proud of it! This is a 37 page EBook I wrote that has basically anything you could ever want to know about creating and marketing passive income as interior designer. It even has a fun bonus chapter called “24 Ways To Market Your Business”. For more details, click here.

That’s all for now, but stay tuned for even more great stuff coming later this year!

Looking to hire one of our design assistants? 

Just send us an email!

XX, Danae